Friday, June 19, 2020

Progressives Never Wrong, Even When They Say So

Vincent J. Curtis

19 June 20

In its headline story of today (The Catastrophe That Never Happened) The Hanon Times has finally admitted that it was wrong.  Wrong by a lot.  Off by a factor of twenty.  But the conscience of the paper is clear because it was on the side of the angels, it thinks.  Trouble is, there is no evidence that the lockdown measures did anything, and if they did something, it left us vulnerable to s second wave.  All the while the lockdown, which the paper weirdly supported, produced health problems of its own, to say nothing of devastating the economy.

There was no reason for the paper to have taken a position on the lockdown.  It could simply have reported on it, and published opinion pieces from both sides.  But no, the paper had to become politically involved, and it couldn’t admit the existence of another side.  Insofar as there was one, they were selfish morons who would be responsible for many deaths.  Then the George Floyd riots broke out, and social distancing rules be damned, this cause was too progressive to criticize.

There is a weird progressive investment in Canada in the defeat of Trump.  The belief in the U.S. is that if the economy stays flat, Trump will lose in November.  If civil disturbances continue, Trump will lose.  But why are we ruining our economy?  Why are we piling up a mountain of debt?  Is it in sympathy with blue America?  Do Canadian progressives hope to contribute to Trump’s defeat by not providing a counter-example that could help him?

Progressives are crazy!

1 comment:

  1. There are far too few of us in the political middle who are willing to speak out; due to the backlash from both the left and the right. Currently, the liberal left has no tolerance for any disagreement. They have turned away from truth, freedom of speech and innocence until proven guilty.
