Monday, June 1, 2020

How Big a Risk is COVID-19?

Vincent J. Curtis

28 May 20

“The only thing we have to fear is – fear itself!” So said Franklin Roosevelt.  Fear and fascism are the weapons of choice our political masters employ whenever people squirm under the boot on their neck.

Dr. Theresa Wetpants can be relied on to claim that a “rise in the number of cases” occurred after the weight of oppression was lifted a little.  Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson extended his lockdown of the city until the end of August because of a lack of compliance.  There were six hospitalized cases of Covid-19 in his city of one million, and his tweeted reason for extending the lockdown is that “compliance is not 100 %”

Imagine that, a small number of Albertans who won’t comply 100 % with the order of a pompous ass!

We have two things to fear from extending the lockdown.  The first is that the virus could mutate into something more virulent, and the sooner it gets killed off the less likely such a mutation could occur.  The second is that more people are dying and will die as a result of the lockdown itself than from the virus, from suicides, undiagnosed cancers, strokes and heart attacks that go untreated, and so on.

We cannot wait for a vaccine.  The Trump Administration might pull off that Hail Mary play, but we still have no vaccine for SARS or HIV, so we could be waiting a long time.

The answer is to free the people.  In Ontario, one person under the age of forty died of Covid-19.  As Joanna Frketich reported, the vast majority of cases show no symptoms at all, so mild is the infection.  Herd immunity stops the spread of the virus, and by maintaining the lockdown we prevent herd immunity from developing.  Herd immunity kills off the virus because it runs short of people to transfer safely to.

Cases are not the same thing as deaths, and we know that people under the age of sixty are quite safe.  We shouldn’t be intimidated by threats of “cases.”

It’s time for Canadians to regain their sanity and their freedoms, and send the tiny tyrants packing.

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