Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Antifa Tactics

Vincent J. Curtis

16 June 20

The Black Lives Matter movement thinks it has a friend in Antifa, but it doesn’t.  Far from being a movement against racism, Antifa seeks to promote it.

During the protests in the wake of the George Floyd killing, Antifa arranged for pallets of bricks, rocks, and bottles to be dropped off in convenient locations before the demonstrations began.  Antifa agents then encouraged people to throw these missiles at police, and to riot and burn and loot.  The visuals were of black people destroying and stealing, which confirmed the stereotype of prejudice to millions of people watching.

Antifa members do not engage in illegal acts themselves because a felony record does not play well in the white-collar business world they expect circulate in professionally.  Many in Antifa come from upper-middle class backgrounds.

Another tactic is to create an apparent groundswell for the removal of a statue, or the renaming of a place. The purpose is not so much to destroy history, but to either provoke a backlash, which they can they claim is proof of systemic racism, or to humiliate the middle class by getting its destructive demand carried out.  Antifa hates the middle class.

With Antifa, the issue is never the issue, the issue is power.  Antifa realizes it can’t hold power itself, but does try to get the respectable people who do hold it to bend to their will by accusations of racism, threats of humiliation, and intimations of violence.

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