Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Hairy Hamiton, Wendy's Potty-Mouth

Vincent J. Curtis

10 June 20

The city of Hamilton, Ont., and smaller cities and towns around it, was not permitted to move to the second phase of Ontario's re-opening.  The reason offered was that coronavirus was still not under control.  As a result, barbershops and hairdressers could not reopen.  The progressive People's Daily sought to explain and justify the continuation of Hamilton's time out.

Also, Wendy Mesley, a long-time CBC newsreader suffered a bit of potty-mouth two days ago, and was suspended by the Mother Corp.  Through the miracles of modern make-up Wendy still looks pretty perky.  However, her being white, Canadian born, bleached-blonde, and old marks her for out for a Jacboite guillotining, career-wise.

RE: Why can’t Hamilton re-open?

As Hamilton and vicinity moves from hirsute to downright Bohemian, the philosophical among us ask, “Why can’t I just get a haircut?”  The short answer is, “because you’re an idiot, who listens to idiots.”

The credentialed experts, from the W.H.O., through Saint Theresa Tam to the local scold, have proven why the practice of medicine is an art.  They have been wrong from the beginning and have repeatedly reversed themselves; but our fascination with credentials have proven our undoing.  When, after getting their fourteen days of lockdown, they asked for another four weeks, we should have started looking for a second opinion.  Now, we’ve passed one hundred days and they’re still guessing.

The experts can’t prove the lockdown saved a single life.  Our LTC facilities have been cleaned out; there are few victims left to be claimed.  The outcome would have been the same, lockdown or no lockdown.  Prove me wrong hairy one – with real data, not dialectical arguments.

The lack of normal amusements caused the United States to explode social distancing rules, with Black Lives Matter being the occasion.  Inexplicably, BLM seeped into Canada, and poor, old, suspended Wendy Mesley, in talking about it, got caught with progressive potty-mouth.  Wendy is getting long in the tooth, and her slip may justify a sudden career move, to be replaced, no doubt, with a younger, less perky ‘vooman of kular.’

Darwinian progressivism: live it, or die.

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