Thursday, May 28, 2020

Your wish is my command?

Vincent J. Curtis

28 May 20

The People's Daily today published an op-ed written by two M.D.s and one Ph.D. that argued for making the wearing of face masks mandatory.

Progressivism believes in rule-by-expert and the moral equivalent of war.  But success depends upon the expert chosen to be the ruler.  The trifecta of doctors who wrote “Evidence based case for making face masks mandatory” should not be on the short list for Emperor-expert because they advocate for face-mask fascism.

The eminence of Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Anthony Fauci needs no introduction.  They were and are the expert-rulers.  Both are on record as saying that face masks are unnecessary and perhaps even harmful, and these facts are acknowledged by the three blind mice.  (Health authorities have changed their position)  Tam and Fauci have since changed their minds and are now on board the face mask train.  “Scientific data shows that [home-made face masks] provide a significant benefit in reducing transmissibility,” squeak the mice.  “Science tells us that universal masking is one piece of the solution, so what are we waiting for?” they urge at the top of their voices.

Actually, common sense says that, and said that back when Tam and Fauci were scientifically advising against them, but never mind.  The real issue with the blessed trinity has to do with the compulsion aspect so beloved by progressivism.  If you believe you can bring about Utopia, what would you not do, and what could justify opposition?  The mice advocate for face mask fascism, and that is why they shouldn’t be trusted as expert-Imperator.

We need to “internalize”, advise the mice, the loving benefits of mask-wearing, “my mask protects you, and yours protects me,” or some such hooey.  Health authorities have “fallen short of the mark of requiring the wearing of masks in public be mandatory.”  But heroic others have stepped up in their place, so goes the fascist narrative.

“What is desperately needed are laws and penalties to ensure compliance.”  Never mind pushback from those who advocate for civil rights for we are assured from another authority that a pandemic is the just kind of thing that warrants the overriding of civil rights. (the moral equivalent of war.)

“Time is of the essence!” they squeak; we can’t rush into stupidity fast enough!

If the credentialed triumvirate offered common sense advice, that would be fine.  But inside every progressive is a tiny fascist waiting to command, and what was sensible as advice became a call for fascist rule.

I don’t believe in fascism, and if the three wise guys think laws and penalties should be enacted to enforce their views, I invite them to be the first to enforce such an edict personally.

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