Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Trump Walks the Walk

Vincent J. Curtis

20 May 20

Once again, the basket-weaving drop-outs who type editorials for the People’s Daily are barking about science.  Specifically, they condemn President Donald Trump for taking hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic against a Covid-19 infection.  “It’s dangerous!” “There’s no science” proclaim the croakers.

Donald Trump is walking the walk; he’s recommended it, and he is taking it.  This is unlike progressives who are exempt from the ramifications of their own ideology, such as Professor Neil Ferguson, but I digress.

Actually there is plenty of science around hydroxychloroquine.  It was developed in the 1930s, and has long been used as an anti-malarial prophylactic.  It also is used to treat some auto-immune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  Its safety profile is well documented, and anyone who has visited climes where malaria is prevalent has probably been prescribed it.

Covid-19 is too new for there to be much reliable science concerning treating it.  There is simply too much anecdotal evidence of benefit from hydroxychloroquine to dismiss it as a treatment.  Its known benefit of moderating immune response gives it theoretical respectability, since fatality from Covid-19 often occurs as a result of the extreme immune response it generates in the body.  The absolute, condemnatory reports, allegedly scientific, against the effectiveness of the drug makes me suspicious, given the prevalence of Trump-hatred.  Thousands of front-line health care workers take it prophylactically.

Trump is walking the walk.  The drug is safe, and was prescribed by a physician.

Basket-weaving majors: shut-up about “science!”

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