Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ban printing presses, they're more dangerous

Vincent J. Curtis

5 May 20

Saying that assault rifles were designed to kill the maximum number of people in the shortest possible time is rather like saying that printing presses should be banned because they were designed to distribute the maximum number of lies and blasphemy to the maximum number of people.

As a technical matter, the automatic fire capability of the assault rifle was intended for the suppression of enemy fire, and to enable the maneuver of your own troops.  The purpose of the thirty round magazine was to enable the infanteer to finish the assault without having to reload his rifle.  Of course, none of this matters because the Trudeau gun ban isn’t about actual assault rifles and normal capacity magazines.

Assault rifles were banned in Canada in 1977.  What we are talking about are rifles that resemble military rifles, but aren’t.  In contrast, your father’s or grandfather’s Lee-Enfield hunting rifle started out as an actual Long Branch No. 4 military rifle that was sold after the war as surplus on the civilian market.  The number of rounds lawfully carried in that Lee-Enfield is twice the number of the “assault-style” rifle.  To say nothing of the proven German-killing power of the .303 cartridge as compared with puny .223 cartridge of the “assault-rifle.” 

No doubt about it, the printing press, with its capacity to print and distribute lies and blasphemy, in the hands of irresponsible propagandists is far more dangerous to the public than AR-15s in the hands of law-abiding gun owners.

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