Monday, May 18, 2020

Die of Anything BUT Coronavirus!

Vincent J. Curtis

17 May 20

When this pandemic panic finally subsides, the progressive project will lie in ruins.  Progressivism believes in rule by expert, and the moral equivalent of war.  It contains a heavy dose of moral narcissism, since, if you believe you can bring about Utopia, what would you not do, and what could justify opposition?

The skeptical few who understood how science really works were silenced by a mob shouting, “follow the science,” and “listen to the experts!”  Well, let’s see how that worked out.

Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London, was the modeler epidemiologist who forecasted catastrophe: 2.2 million deaths in America, and 500,000 in the U.K.  His numbers justified the lockdowns.  However, peer reviewers at the University of Edinburgh tested Ferguson’s program and found it “a buggy mess” and “totally unreliable.”  Ferguson himself was disgraced when it was discovered he continued his affair with a married woman despite his call for social lockdown.  Meanwhile, the U.S. won’t reach 100,000 deaths despite the best efforts of New York State.

Canada has had 5,000 deaths attributed to coronavirus, of which 4,000 occurred in the vulnerable 80+ demographic.  That leaves 1,000 for everyone else, and none under 20.  Meanwhile, Canada had 7,000 deaths from influence and pneumonia, routine numbers.

That Canada destroyed the livelihood of millions for the sake of a thousand, when 7,000 by influenza is considered unremarkable testifies to a bizarre moral outlook: it is better to die of anything but coronavirus.

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