Monday, December 25, 2017

Progressive Killjoy Tries to Make Sense of Christmas

Vincent J. Curtis

22 Dec 2017

RE: Making Christmas Make Sense (Hamilton Spectator 22 Dec 2017)

After perusing Dr. Latham Hunter’s article, her question, “how does an anti-consumerist atheist celebrate at this time of year?” can be easily answered.  For a dyspeptic progressive, one dwells upon the suffering of people you hate.

The trouble is, Trump has had such a good year, you can’t even image that he is suffering.  That puts killjoy progressives into a foul mood.

What a waste of education Latham has had.  A professor of “communications and cultural studies” she apparently neither knows nor cares much about geography or history.  Her reference to a “Caucasian Christmas” is a pathetic attempt to taint Christianity with racism.  Well, the people of the Caucasus are mostly Muslim.  The word she ought to have used was “European,” or, more precisely, “Roman.”  And Christianity is for anyone and everyone, of any race.  Including her.  The cheap shot alleging racism doesn’t hold.

Her reference to suffering in the world as somehow dispositive of the non-existence of God is one of the most easily refuted of the objections to existence of God.  But it would be too much work for her to look up whether someone of serious intellect has written about her rather obvious objection.  (They have.  Try Edward Feser, for a modern one.)  Instead, she would rather read second and third hand accounts of the origin of certain aspects of the celebration of the birth of Christ continued today, as though these origins too reflected adversely on the existence of God.  It never occurs to her to wonder what really did happen 2000 years ago that caused all these people to do all these things that Latham, from her high intellectual perch, looks down upon.  (In philosophical terms, to discover what is the primary cause that has all these instrumental causes doing what they do.)

It never occurs to her to wonder why man the world over, and from the first one, looked for a deeper meaning to life and the world, and wondered about God  Why did this trait develop during Darwin’s ascent from the apes, a trait she holds in contempt?  There must be a reason.  Why hasn’t she explored the matter herself, with her great intellect?

Christmas makes sense to a lot of people, and has for a long time.  If Hunter took her own thinking seriously, she would ignore everything, be a killjoy to her kids, deny them Christmas presents, and show up for work on Christmas Day.  But she won't.

It is a wonder what a difference presidential leadership makes.  Two years ago, under President Obama, the expression, “Merry Christmas” was considered suspect, non-inclusive, and perhaps even a little hostile to non-Christians, such as Muslims and atheists.  Now, under President Donald Trump, the expression is back in vogue.  Christians may now feel that have permission for a little cultural pushback against the progressive killjoys like Obama, and Hunter.

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