Friday, October 21, 2022

Liz Truss but an example

Vincent J. Curtis

21 Oct 22

Progressives see the rising tide of “populism” in the western world as a threat to their power and dominance.  They condemn it as fascism.  But what would explain this spontaneous rise of fascism around the world?  Mussolini had the political confusion and violence of Italy to propel him to power, and Hitler had the economic chaos of Weimar Germany and the fear of communism that gave him a base of popularity.  So what explains this rise of what progressives condemn as fascism?

The first undeniable victory of modern “populism” was Brexit.  Nobody expected the U.K. to vote for something all the elites condemned.  Then Donald Trump was elected president on the cries of “Make America Great Again,” “America First,” and “Drain the Swamp!”  Trump was the ultimate outsider, having never run for or held public office and was independent wealthy, not dependent on anyone to finance his bid for the Republican nomination.  More recently, right wing (far-right!) parties in Sweden and Italy rose to power over the immigration issues in their countries.  Poland the Hungary have long been stalwarts of the allegedly fascist camp because they refused from the start to take in waves of immigrants that Merkel’s Germany invited into Europe.

The political battle is better seen as between globalist and a natural conservative instinct in a people.  The globalists are progressive, with all the outlook and high self-regard of that movement, together with the ruthless tactics of the extreme and far left.

Brexit was resisted by the globalists of the Cameron Conservatives, and Elizabeth May, another remainder, lacked the intestinal fortitude to carry out the will of the British people, a will she disagreed with.  A constitutional crisis was brewing in Britain which had voted for Brexit but the government wasn’t delivering on, until Boris Johnson became Conservative leader.  He promised to deliver on Brexit, and was awarded with an 80 seat majority in the House of Commons.  He more or less delivered, but his success was hamstrung with the Northern Ireland Protocol, continuing to admit the jurisdiction of the ECHR that stopped his solution to the immigration crisis, and lastly by the continuing treasonous sabotage by the NLBI and Royal Navy that continue to ferry illegal immigrants from France at the rate of 1000 per day.

Johnson was brought down by the Remain element in British politics, which included the London Met.  His successor, Liz Truss, was another weakling who promised what conservatives wanted but immediately deviated from her promises the moment she was appointed Prime Minister.  She was forced to remove two strong Brexiteers and conservatives from her government and replace them with Globalists and Remainers, in particular the notorious Jeremy Hunt.  Machinations of globalist Remainers have so far stifled the completion of Brexit, and the people are noticing that it doesn’t matter whom they vote for, they get the same policies they rejected.  This is the real “threat to democracy”: getting the same policy regardless of whom you vote for.

In the United States, Donald Trump was attacked by the Deep State, in particular the FBI, even before he was elected President.  Even now he is harassed, being a threat to run again.  The political outlook of the FBI is Democrat, which at this moment means woke progressive, without fear of using the criminal enforcement powers of the state to harass and even harm the political enemies of the regime.  Trump made a big difference to the benefit of American during his term, but it didn’t matter.  It wasn’t the Democrats doing it, and therefore it had to be wrong.

“America First” is nothing but a rejection of the globalist vision, which sees the west as unlimited in power and wealth and guilty of subjugation and impoverishing everyone else.  By the lights of revenge and “resentment” the west deserves to be brought low, humbled, and humiliated for its immoderate success and guilt.  The global warming movement began as a means of depriving the west of cheap, reliable energy, a key underpinning of its economic success, and it has since exploded into a global religion.

But this winter, Europe is going to freeze because supplies of natural gas from Russia are cut off and of the “net-zero” craziness that prevented development of its domestic supplies of natural gas.  Europe is have to restart coal-fired electoral power plants and extend the lives of nuclear power plants to prevent disaster this winter.  If the globalists had their way, people would freeze to death in Europe because they couldn’t pay the heating bills.  The globalists would blame climate change.

That fearful cry from globalists of the rise of fascism and the condemnation of propulsion is nothing but a reaction to democracy asserting itself.  People are becoming wise to the trickery of getting the same essential policies that they reject regardless of whom they vote for.  That’s why they’re turning to unconventional political figures who haven’t depended on the machine for their rise to prominence, but rather to being outspoken in challenging the globalist conventions.

Unless, the U.K. Conservative party selects a leader with a jihadi determination and intensity to complete Brexit and deal with the immigration crisis, the party itself risks destruction at the next general election.

In my view, the right person to lead the Conservatives now is Kemi “Boudicca” Badenoch, with Suella Braverman second.  Boris Johnson might make an extraordinary political resurrection, but with his flaws he will soon be seen as yesterday’s man.  He has learned nothing from his fall.  Penny Mordaunt is another Liz Truss, another prospective middle of the road big disappointment to Conservatives, a globalist and a Remainer.

As woke progressivism under the guidance and inspiration of the World Economic Forum brings greater economic and cultural disasters upon the western world more and more “fascist”, “far-right,” “populist” candidates will rise and, if they can stand the onslaught of a fake media who are globalist, progressive, and Democrat to the core, will get elected and, hopefully, make a dent in the craziness in the face of deep state resistance.

The real threat to democracy is getting the same policies you voted against regardless of whom you voted for.



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