Sunday, October 16, 2022

Kojo Damptey Grievance monger

Vincent J. Curtis

16 Oct 22

RE: Hatred on the rise.  The Hmailton Spectator 15 Oct 22

No doubt about it, Kojo Damptey, is a victim.  He’s been playing the race hustling game since he graduated with a B.Eng from McMaster University in 2007.  Besides race, another big cause with him is decolonization.  He’s running for yet another job on the public teat, and lo and behold if someone didn’t allegedly commit an act of “hatred” against him.  Someone allegedly put a sticker on one of his election signs that said “White people first.”  Long experience with this sort of thing tells me that this is a hoax, that someone within Damptey’s own campaign, or a sympathizer, did this.  It was only done once, and the sticker wasn’t big enough to be read easily.  But the news is out.  Defacing of Damptey’s election sign with a racist slogan makes him a victim of Hamilton’s racism for which Ward 14 can atone by electing him. And he’s in a tough election.  How convenient.

Damptey immigrated to Canada from Ghana about twenty years ago.  While colonialization may have a bad reputation in Ghana, Damptey is the worst kind of colonizer in Canada, he’s an immigrant.  He immigrated to, and therefore “colonized,” Canada by choice as a young adult.  The irony escapes him, and most others.

He’s also on record as being concerned everyday about his being a Black man in Canada, in which he’s lived for twenty years without thought of return to Ghana and has three university degrees.  His two Master’s degrees pertain to grievance studies and race hustling, so Damptey is comfortable enough about being Black in Canada to make a career of complaining about racism in it.

Damptey has lived a privileged life in Canada, certainly one much better than he’d have had had he spent his adulthood in Ghana.  So, how does he repay Canada for taking him in, educating him, and then providing him with a living?  He repays Canada with ingratitude and fault-picking of the most hypocritical kind.  And then he seeks public office and asks for the votes of people he holds responsible for all the evils in the world.

This race incident won’t be investigated enough to prove that the defacing of his election sign was a hoax, but that’s what experience is screaming.  Hopefully, the electorate of Ward 14 will see through this man, a complainer of privilege since Canada welcomed him.




1 comment:

  1. Well stated. This certainly wouldn’t make it to the opinion pages of the Spectator.
