Thursday, October 13, 2022

Far Right! Be frightened!

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Oct 22

RE: Poilievre a rising star for the far-right. Op-ed by Bob Hepburn.  The Hamilton Spectator 11 Oct 22.

Among its stable of exhausted typists and assorted barn flies, Torstar’s dumbest has to be Bob Hepburn.  (Admittedly, the competition is fierce!)  Torstar has been an organ of the Liberal Party since its inception, and right now the Liberal Trudeau government is in trouble.  So, like a Blue Jays manager, Torstar management goes to its bullpen and calls out this arm-weary wheeze.

Alex Jones! Far-right! Conspiracy fuelled far-right bigots and zealots!  The troubling group of people who support him!  One fat stinker ball pitch after another.  Guilt by association.  Cynically playing to the low information voter.  Poilievre’s not dancing to our tune and denouncing the people we want him to denounce!

But what worries Hepburn is that Poilievre is also a favorite of the blue-haired set.  The people who look at Poilievre and think he’s too geeky to be evil; they like his feistiness, his obvious competence, and they like what he says about too much tax and too little freedom in Canada.  A lot of people do, like the 350,000 “troubling people who support him” and who signed up to vote for him to be party leader.

The smearing of one’s opponent as “far-right” or “fascist” began with Stalin, which shows you where Hepburn lies on the political spectrum to regard Poilievre as “far-right!”


1 comment:

  1. My letter to the Spectator, unpublished of course: At least Bob Hepburn didn’t call him a fascist, the preferred term for a conservative in the United States. He didn’t even call him a semi-fascist, Biden’s term for Republicans who don’t follow former President Trump. I guess that is Hepburn’s attempt at being civil in his political discourse.

    Why don’t I hear anything about Canada’s far left? On the far left we have the communists known here as the NDP and Green parties. On the semi far left we have the Liberals. Why don’t I hear anything from Hepburn about Trudeau’s support for American terrorists? I seem to recall our prime minister bending a knee in support of Black Lives Matter who together with Antifa rioted, looted and burned American cities in the summer of 2020 causing over 30 deaths and billions in damage to memorialize career criminal George Floyd. No insurrection charges were ever laid on Democrat terrorists who attacked police stations, court houses and even the White House. No charges were ever laid on the Democrat terrorists who marched on the residences of Supreme Court justices in defiance of American law after the Roe v. Wade decision. White supremacists are a minor threat to American democracy. BLM and Antifa seek America’s destruction.

    In the United States the threat to democracy comes from the far left in the form of the Democrat Party. Just remember what happens in the US eventually finds its way to Canada and it will be led by the Liberal Party.
