Monday, August 29, 2022

Trudeau's buying election workers with tax $

Vincent J. Curtis

29 Aug 22

RE: Canada invests $100M in ‘historic’ action plan for LGBTQ groups.  CPp story by Marie Woolf.  Published in the Hamilton Spectator 29 Aug 22.

There must be an election coming. Justin Trudeau is giving away public money to progressive action groups.

Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was made illegal forty years ago with the passage of the Charter.  Gay marriage was made legal over a decade ago.  For practical purposes Trudeau’s gift is a donation to a militant wing of the Liberal Party.  With no kids at home, these groups will have all the time and finances they need to work for their party in the next election.  Especially in the gay hotbeds of Toronto and Ottawa.

Trudeau did not say why an ‘Action Plan’ was necessary when he spoke at a news conference just before Ottawa’s umpteenth Pride Parade. He did say the ‘investment’ was to support diversity - except Federal subsidies weren’t preciouslynecessary for a person to become gay.  And “loving whom they want to love” was made legal by Justin’s dad in the 1971 Omnibus Bill, saying “the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.”  Well, Justin is in there with cash in hand.

To be clear, this money is for organizations.  Cameron Kroetch, put in your funding application.

There are no Straight Pride Parades.  There is no official celebration of marriage and rearing children, or of being otherwise normal.

I question the need nowadays for “Gay Pride” except to humiliate straight society, but Justin’s money is a subsidy for Liberal campaign workers.


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