Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Arts Majors fail at science again

Vincent J. Curtis

30 Nov 21

RE: Omicron: a variant born of inequity.  Hamilton Spectator Editorial 30 Nov 21

RE: Housing advocate says officer put knee on her neck.  News item by Katrina Clarke.

RE: Food insecurity stressor for students. News item by Kate McCullough

The Hanon People’s Daily seems to be making a recrudescence with editorials as blatantly ridiculous and Marxist as this. (To say nothing of the news articles.  The housing advocate must have the neck of a giraffe as the photo shows the officer’s knee between her shoulder blades.  What was she doing resisting arrest?)

Here’s me back on May 30th, 2020, before there were vaccines and arguing against extended lockdowns: “We have two things to fear from extending the lockdown.  The first is that the virus could mutate into something more virulent, and the sooner it gets killed off the less likely such a mutation could occur.  Mutations were anticipated over a year and a half ago, and they develop naturally if the virus is given enough time.  Inequity has nothing to do with it.  Marx spoke of “scientific socialism,” so why are the Arts Majors so unconcerned about grasping science?  Or is it that they do and don’t care?

The Omicron variant developed in South Africa, which is not some low-rent tin-horn African dictatorship riven with corruption and civil war, like the Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan, etc.  The Omicron variant didn’t develop because the white man’s greed withheld vaccines, or even the reality that free vaccines would be used to enrich corrupt officials in Black Africa.  It’s basic biology; but given the progressives’ love for gender identity theory and the belief that sex is merely a social construct, basic biology is something progressives repudiate.  What’s left as explanation except neo-Marxist gibberish?

Climate change causes the loss of critical thinking capacity in some humans, and progressivism is a brain-wasting disease.  Poor editor had no chance!


If you look at the data for the first wave in Ontario, there was no basis at all for extending the lockdown beyond the “15 days to flatten the curve.”  By May, it was ridiculous, and the goalposts had shifted from flattening the curve to slowing the spread.  The problem with slowing the spread is that it prolongs the duration of the pandemic.  Lockdowns were for people over 70, while those under 60 could safely be exposed to the virus and develop immunity naturally.  But that wasn’t done.  And so we’re now into the 8th or so variant.  Why wasn’t the delta variant a product of white man’s neglect?  Perhaps because it started in Brazil.  There have been a series of minor variants since delta.

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