Thursday, August 12, 2021

Shaking my head

Vincent J. Curtis

12 Aug 21

RE: Forecasting shows that fourth wave can be blunted.  Hamilton Spectator news item by Joanna Frketich.  12 Aug 21.

You don’t even have to be a scientist to shake your head at the nonsense being passed off as knowledge, science, and wisdom.  All you need is to have followed what was said before, and take note of changes.

Let’s start with the word blunted, as in blunting the wave.  What happened to “flatten” as in “flatten the curve?”  Obviously, something’s changed, but why?  Has flattening the curve been discredited from overuse – and by failure?

The claim that the curve “could be bent down much lower than the third wave” is laughable, if you’re a philosophical Realist.  The curve will be what it will be; speculating about possible shapes leads to the following observation:

“Does this make sense?” is a rule of modelling – ignored.  The modelling has to reflect known data.  You would think this obvious until you realize that climate modelling is taken as reality, and never mind the actual temperature data as measured by, say, UAH.  Modelling isn’t reality, and it isn’t even reality to be.

The data included with the article shows that about three quarters of Hamiltonians have some level of vaccination, and who knows how many of the rest have acquired natural immunity by now.  How could it be possible for a fourth wave to be worse than the third, before vaccination started?  You’ve diluted the potentially infectable population by four fifths.  Are you saying that vaccines don’t work?

What’s this talk of masking and social distancing still?  How many studies do you have to look past before you understand that cloth masks and surgical paper masks are useless?  Did mask mandates halt waves two and three?  NO!  So shut up about masks.

If you’re vaccinated, why should you care if the person next to you is not?  They’re the one who might get sick, and not from you!  They’re the bad person, remember?  If you hate them, as you are being encouraged to, then you ought to wish sickness upon them.  But they’re only a bother if they clog up the healthcare system, and that’s not on the horizon; first, because the numbers are so low and because its largely healthy young people, who don’t need vaccination, that are unvaxxed.  They shrug off the virus after a few days.

The stupidity of vaccine passports can scarcely be imagined.  You’re asking the innocent to prove continually their innocence, when there are only a couple hundred active cases in a city of half a million!  What a waste of effort.  A vaccination is not a guarantee against a breakthrough infection, meaning a vaccinated person may be infected while that unvaxxed person is not.  So a vaccine passport doesn’t guarantee what it’s supposed to guarantee – that the bearer is uninfected.

Vaccine passports are hammers trying to kill flies.

You can only shake your head at the stupidity among alleged professionals.


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