Monday, August 9, 2021

Perrin Beatty continues to disappoint

Vincent J. Curtis

9 Aug 21

RE: Business community supportive of vaccine passports.  Canadian Press news item published in the Hamilton Spectator 9 Aug 21.

Ever since he failed as Canada’s Minister of National Defense, Perrin Beatty has proven repeatedly that he is a political and intellectual lightweight.  As president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Beatty came out in favor of vaccine passports, completely oblivious to the implications on civil liberties.  Then he makes pronouncements about the benefits of such passports that can’t stand a moment’s scrutiny.

Beatty claims vaccine passports will help prevent future waves of pandemic, though he doesn’t explain how.  Because passports will allegedly prevent future waves, they will prevent future lockdowns.  He then claimed that an 80 percent vaccination rate was too low to achieve herd immunity, an unsourced claim.  He said that vaccine certificates could help protect people’s health without inflicting major social and economic damage.  And these certificates need to be digital because paper certificates can be easily forged.

This is what happens when you live in a world of ideology and not reality.

Certificates don’t protect you, but a vaccination can.  Passports won’t protect from future waves, but a vaccination can protect you.  There is no reason a vaccinated person should fear an asymptomatic COVID positive person because the vaccine protects you.   It’s another unvaccinated person who might have a problem.  (And they’re the bad people, right?)

Lockdowns were introduced to protect healthcare systems, not people.  If a fourth wave breaks out among unvaccinated, healthy twenty-somethings, the healthcare system isn’t going to get overwhelmed.  That’s the data.  You can otherwise, prevent lockdowns by electing smarter politicians who respect civil liberties and the law.  Elect uneducated mediocrities, and you get Canada!

The coercing of the unvaccinated to get the shot mustn’t impact the liberties of the vaxxed.  A vaccine passport impacts the liberties of the vaxxed who have to carry it around to prove their innocence.


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