Monday, August 16, 2021

Beating up poor Republicans

Vincent J. Curtis

16 Aug 21

 Fact Free Criticism

RE: Sleeping with elephant more dangerous than ever.  Op-ed by Arthur Haberman, professor emeritus of history and humanities at York University.  Published in the Hamilton Spectator 16 Aug 21.

You would hope that a professor emeritus of history would exercise sober judgement and have a grasp of historical facts.  However, the humanities are a crap-shoot and you are as likely to get a mediocrity who got his job by holding the right political views.

Arthur Haberman demonstrates his lack of sober judgement and having no grasp of historical facts in his article condemning the Republican Party.  He says it has little respect for an independent judiciary, and cites as proof the alleged heavy politicization of the judiciary between 2017 and 2021.  The politicization of the American judiciary began under FDR with his threat of court packing.  It progressed through the 1960s when judges decided the U.S. constitution was a “living document” that they could amend at will.  Trump was elected partially on the promise to appoint judges who respected the law and constitution as written – textualism – not changeable by robed, unelected bench legislators.

These are the facts, but never mind.  Respect doesn’t matter.  The judiciary is a power, and power commands respect.  Haberman doesn’t understand he’s condemning a counterrevolution that isn’t to his liking.

As for the Senate filibuster.  It has existed for over 200 years, and in its present formulation since 1974.  It gave Democrats the power to block anti-lynching laws.  Today, it gives minority Republicans the power to stop the wildest of Democrat policies.  They may be mostly white men, but if you respect democratic choice, their race and sex shouldn’t matter.

If you’re concerned about a major political party opposing traditional democratic laws and customs, doesn’t that describe the Liberal Party of Justin Trudeau?  Conservatives respect traditional democratic laws and customs; Liberals find something wrong and try to change it.

Beating up the Republican Party is like beating up a person with Down’s syndrome

I pity Professor Haberman’s former students.


1 comment:

  1. When you are a man of the Left all threats to democracy are seen as coming from the Right. Threats from the Left are not recognized because the professor obviously agrees with everything the Left is doing to undo democratic institutions. As a result of his hatred for former President Donald Trump and Republicans, Professor Haberman agrees with everything the Democrats do to silence their opposition and attack Trump whether those tactics are constitutional, legal or ethical.

    The Left controls all aspects of American life and culture. They now control mainstream media, social media, late night television, universities, Hollywood and more. Americans, regardless of income, demographics or social stature are being fired from jobs, stripped of access to basic services such as banking or social media for voicing political opinions against the Leftist point of view. Large segments of the population are labeled as “extremists” and potential terrorists who need to be marginalized or shunned. The Democrat Party has weaponized the Department of Justice and the FBI to destroy their political enemies. The mainstream media is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. The media is more interested in learning Joe Biden’s favorite flavor of ice cream rather than the reasoning behind his failed policy decisions. When the mainstream media and social media censor opinions in opposition to the Democrats you have to realize the danger to your freedoms comes from the Left.
