Tuesday, August 10, 2021

IPCC: The Gold Standard of Junk Science

Vincent J. Curtis

10 Aug 21

RE: UN says climate change report is a ‘code red’ for humanity.  AP news item published in the Hamilton Spectator 10 Aug 21.

The IPCC report on climate change is the gold standard of junk science.

If you want to know why serious scientists chortle over “climate change” you need look no further into the report than the claim that the world is “locked in to a 15 to 30 centimeter (6 to 12 inches) of sea level rise by mid-century, i.e. 2050, less than thirty years from now.  This is certifiably false, yet it passed the editors into the report.

I guess co-editor Bob Kopp of Rutgers University didn’t get the memo.  Saint Barack Obama halted the rise of the oceans, which is why he now owns a $15 million ocean front estate on Martha’s Vineyard.

Besides that, there isn’t a tide gauge anywhere in the world that shows an upward curvature in measured sea level.  Sea level rise has been promised many, many times over the years and still hasn’t happened.  One problem is, where is the water going to come from?

An ice-free Arctic Ocean has also been promised many times in the past to have happened by now, and it hasn’t.  Since ice occupies a greater volume than water, melting of Arctic sea ice would result in a lower sea level.

The ice on Greenland is monitored daily by the Danish Meteorological Institute, and shows no long-term trend either up or down; just the usual seasonal variation.

The Antarctic is actually getting colder, and even if it got warmer it still wouldn’t be able to melt enough ice to cause ocean rise.

The claim of rising oceans is oft-promised and never delivered.  To say with absolute certainty that the world is “locked in” to a truly phenomenal rise in sea level in less than thirty years only proves that any junk that forecasts doom can make it into an allegedly serious report on world climate.

That’s why the IPCC is the gold standard of junk science.


1 comment:

  1. You will love Rex Murphy’s newest column which I believe will be in tomorrow’s NP. For a small taste here is the opening:

    The IPCC has gone code red for humanity. They have hit their loudest alarm bells. Wow. Grab your masks, and head for the exits. This is scary stuff. What dire happening could justify the IPCC reaching for the greatest alarm? There are only two possibilities.

    Either Joe Biden has uttered a comprehensible sentence without outside assistance, or, the world is doomed.
