Friday, September 25, 2020

Wild 'Karen' Triggered by Car Rally

Vincent J. Curtis

25 Sept 20

RE: Rally Participants should be ashamed.  A letter to the editor of the Spectator published this date.

There’s nothing like a government induced panic to bring out the inner Karen in some of us.  The East German Stasi recruited informants in the same way, so I guess it’s an element of human behaviour that authorities are able to exploit to enforce their power.  Power applied stupidly in the case of the “pandemic”, but it shows why power in the hands of government is so dangerous in the first place.

Sharon McKibbon is so certain there’s a pandemic on, but what is her proof?  We were promised 50,000 to 350,000 dead people in the first few weeks of the outbreak.  There would be bodies in the streets like those shown in Wuhan, China.  Hospitals would be overflowing with the dead and dying.  But none of that happened.  Nothing even close.

Instead, over six months into it, Ontario has fewer than 2,850 dead, mostly due to incompetent handling of those known to be vulnerable.  The average age of those allegedly killed by the virus is in the middle 80’s, higher than the average lifespan.  The odds are that Karen doesn’t even know someone who died of the virus, or knows someone who knows someone.

Ontario has reached herd immunity, which you can tell by just looking at the mortality graphs.  Hospitalizations and the ever-cheerful deaths graphs show peaks in mid-April, and a drop to just above zero by mid-July.  The number of cases is spiking again, to near April highs, but the hospitalization and death charts remain stubbornly just above zero, and this is the clue that herd immunity is upon us.

But the medical professionals advising a bovine premier are clueless.  And no journalist dares ask the question about the evidence of herd immunity, and demand a detailed, technical answer to why not.  I’ll bet money the answer to the question will be a handwave.

The pandemic is over.  Stop the shaming.  End the lockdown orders.  But we can’t because it would expose the incompetence of the medical professionals advising a bovine premier.


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