Thursday, September 17, 2020

Anatomy of a Swamp take-out

Vincent J. Curtis

17 Sept 20

This story is of a classic take-out maneuver by the Swamp.

The Swamp refers to the permanent Federal bureaucracy that, over decades, has become Democrat in political orientation.  The way the President ensures the permanent bureaucracy responds to political control is to place political appointees in charge of departments.  In this case, Michael Caputo was the political appointee, and his technical assistant, who was independent of the bureaucracy, was Dr. Paul Alexander.

Ordinarily, the Center for Disease Control is not political.  Its members no doubt are highly political, and the pandemic has given the Democrats among them opportunity to strike little blows at President Trump as part of the Democrat campaign of resistance.  Dr/ Alexander is as qualitied as any of the permanent CDC staff to made editorial adjustments to CDC reports, and did so when he spied an unwarranted editorial presentation that could be used to attack President Trump.

How would the media know about the displeasure of the permanent bureaucracy at this Canadian interloper’s temerity?  They would contact friends in the media to complain on a not-for-attribution basis.  Then, Dr. Alexander’s associates are questioned about him, his work, and his integrity, and we saw several stories in the Spectator of McMaster University denying any current association with Dr. Alexander.

After several week of insidious questioning, an appearance before a Democrat run committee was demanded, and these are run like inquisitions, as we’ve seen several times before.  Before long, Caputo is taking leave and Dr. Alexander is out as his senior advisor, with limited future prospects at his old employer.

The permanent bureaucracy took out their political masters who knew enough to recognize seditious conduct when they saw it.


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