Thursday, August 6, 2020

Are there no Adults on the School Board?

Vincent J. Curtis

5 Aug 20

As reported yesterday in the People's Daily, the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (the public school board in these parts) were accused of racism by a just-graduated student who served as a "student-trustee" on the Board in her last year.  The girl is a Muslim immigrant, which makes the whole thing especially weird.  She said she spent 14 years in the school system, and graduated from Grade 12 in June.  Let's be kind and assume two of those years were pre-K and Kindergarten.

The amazing thing is that this affair started with some tweets late last week, and by Tuesday, she's holding a press conference in front of the school board building.  The Board, knowing what was coming, announced an investigation as soon as the girl stopped talking.  Apparently, saying that the girl was a stupid, immature brat who doesn't know what she's talking about, apparently never occurred to anyone at the Board.  They know how the woke game is played, and decided to play by those rules.

Anyhow, it looks quite undignified for all thee adults to bow down and react in the approved manner upon the mere accusation of a disgruntled teenager making accusations without proof; indeed are unfalsifiable since so many of them are personal impressions while others occurred without wintesses.

How many times have we seen this movie before?  A kid who knows nothing, and whose head has been stuffed with woke ideas, accuses an institution of racism, and the institution collapses before it.

The irony is delicious.  The accused institution is perhaps the most woke in the city, the Public School Board.  The woke are eating their own.

Are there no adults at the School Board? They were accused of “patronizing” a teenager, a student “trustee.”  She accused Board management of being ‘racialized,” of subjecting her to “microaggressions,” and engaging in “racial gaslighting.”  She claims she heard real trustee, an elected official, of referring to a famous black athlete by “the N-word.”

Of all these accusations, only the last has any objective reality.  The rest are the accuser’s personal perceptions and opinions, which obviously went unvoiced at the time of their alleged occurrences.

So, where are the adults?  Why isn’t their one to call B.S. on these accusations?  To state flatly they’re wrong.  To demand evidence.

It’s no wonder the student trustee felt patronized – she’s a kid who’s in over her head and dealing with business affairs for which she has no experience.

The response of the Board is obvious.  They’re playing pantomime too.  The Board knows how the woke accusation game is played, and their outside investigation is a deflection tactic.

Unfortunately, the pantomime lends credence to the falsehoods the woke are trying to foist on public policy.

This game does all of us harm.

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