Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Analysis of Bill Clinton’s Speech to DNC

 Vincent J. Curtis

19 Aug 20

Bill and Hillary Clinton contend to be the biggest liars in American political history.  Don’t take my word for it, Bill Safire, long-time columnist for the New York Times called Hillary a “pathological liar” after watching her testify about the Whitewater scandal.  Bill too is legendary 

Bill lets on an “aw shucks” persona, and you can tell he’s lying when he gets that smirk on his face, from his thinking that he’s putting one over his audience.  Bill’s technique is to insist on and talk about an alternative reality, one that depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.  Bill was suppressing his smirk throughout the remarks below:

“A presidential election is the world's most important job interview. At the end we hire a leader to help us solve problems, create opportunities, and give our kids better tomorrows.

Joe Biden is hiding in his basement and not taking questions.  Some "interview."  He’s turned over the platform to the Sanders-AOC wing of the party.  Mentally, Joe’s so diminished that Kamala Harris will take over as president during the term on the basis of the 25th Amendment.

“How did Donald Trump respond? At first he said the virus was under control and would soon disappear. When it didn't, he was on TV every day bragging on what a great job he was doing, while scientists waited to give us vital information. When he didn't like the expert advice he was given, he ignored it.

To untangle this mess, Trump relied on the advice of experts, particularly Drs. Fauci and Brix.  Trump is the elected official, not the medical experts.  When it became obvious that his medical experts were too cautious for their reputations, Trump began pushing to end the lockdown and reopen the economy.  The experts proved wrong about the size of the pandemic, and it is now obvious that economic matters take priority.

“Only when COVID exploded in even more states did he encourage people to wear masks.”

Early on, Dr. Facui and the other experts like the Surgeon-General said masks were useless in the hands of the general public.  They changed their minds in accordance with political winds.  Now, mask-wearing is a harmless sign of compliance to progressive social pressure.  Mask wearing if futile, and everyone knows it.

“Donald Trump says we're leading the world. Well, we are the only major industrial economy to have its unemployment rate triple.”

When the unemployment rate is 3.5 %, it’s easy to triple.  If the unemployment rate is 7 %, doubling it is the same as tripling 3.5 %.

“Now you have to decide whether to renew his contract or hire someone else. If you want a president who defines the job as spending hours a day watching TV and zapping people on social media, he's your man. Denying, distracting, and demeaning works great if you're trying to entertain and inflame. But in a real crisis, it collapses like a house of cards.

If all Trump does is watch TV and tweet, what harm is doing?  Biden would have been at sea during the pandemic.  Trump marshaled the government and American industry to produce ventilators, PPE, testing, therapeutics, and vaccines.  He gave a sense of urgency and direction.  America will have a vaccine ready to go by the end of the year, which would never have happened but for Trump’s energy, drive, and understanding of the capabilities of America, which only needed direction.  Joe, in his present condition, couldn’t even think of this.

“…you've got to go to work and deal with the facts.

Whenever Clinton is talking about facts, you know he’s talking fantasy..

“a go-to-work president. A down-to-earth, get-the-job-done guy. A man with a mission: to take responsibility, not shift the blame; concentrate, not distract; unite, not divide.

Joe is hiding in his basement, not campaigning, which is his proper work.  Trump is exceptionally down-to-earth, which is why he’s hated in Washington and by the elites.  Trump has gotten the job done, “promises made, promises kept.”  Trump has had the mission: to drain the swamp.  He’s taken responsibility, as Bill’s complaining above about not listening to the experts.  Trump has focused on getting things accomplished, despite Democrat distractions.  Trump has many times offered an olive branch to the Democrats, but they have to “resist” because they’re not the ones exercising the power.

“How? He's given us smart detailed plans to invest in areas vital to our future: innovative financing for factories and small businesses; good jobs in green energy and conservation to combat climate change; a modern infrastructure that brings small town and rural America the connectivity and investment others take for granted; and a plan to ensure that Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, women, immigrants, and other communities left behind are full participants in the economy and our society.

In this passel of policy wonkery, Bill fails to mention that Joe’s plan is to eliminate shareholder capitalism.  The innovative financing has to come from a socialist government..  There are no good jobs in green energy, but plenty in franking oil and natural gas.  Joe plans to shut down American energy production to combat a fictitious climate change emergency, throwing millions out of work.  Bill, Obama and Biden are all globalists, who oversaw the destruction of American industry and the shipping of jobs and wealth to China.  All this is sweet-sounding hooey.

“Joe Biden wants to build an economy far better suited to our changing world.

The world is changing on account of Donald Trump.  Trump plans to bring home strategic industries and capabilities from China.  Joe thinks China is not threat.

He'll work to make sure that your paycheck reflects your contribution to, and your stake in, a growing economy. In this job interview, the difference is stark. You know what Donald Trump will do with four more years: blame, bully, and belittle. And you know what Joe Biden will do: build back better.

I’d be leery of somebody else deciding what my paycheck to be, being reflective of his opinion of my contribution and stake in a growing economy.  Especially since it’s Bernie Sander’s judgement and value-system behind the evaluation.  We see again the “job interview” metaphor, and Joe isn’t doing many interviews these days!  I like what Trump could do with four more years, and I like the pain he’s going to cause the swamp.  Joe will build back the swamp, bigger and better!

“It's Trump's "Us vs. Them" America against Joe Biden's America, where we all live and work together.”

Funny how that division disappears if you just submit to the swamp.  If there’s division, it’s because Trump’s America doesn’t want to be ruled by the swamp, and swamp creatures are beside themselves at their loss of power 

In a strange way, I wonder if Bill isn’t subverting Biden’s candidacy.  The talk of the job interview, the energy Joe will bring to the job, the things so at odds with observable facts,  ring so hollow that it might give independents pause and cause to wonder.  Meanwhile, Bill ingratiated himself with the party faithful.  Bill is that diabolical, and jealous of his singularity as a Democrat president.



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