Thursday, August 20, 2020

Analysis of Kamala Harris Speech to DNC

Vincent J. Curtis 

20 Aug 20 

Kamala Harris is an unprincipled careerist, with a wide nasty streak.  Brief flashes of that streak appeared in her acceptance speech at the DNC last night, but for the most part the speech was an introduction of herself to the American electorate.  Her policy comments were bland and lacking in focus.  She took a few shots at Trump, and at the country she hopes to govern.  There are two parts to America: the deplorable part and the Elect, and everybody should be Elect.  See below: 

“She raised us to be proud, strong Black women. And she raised us to know and be proud of our Indian heritage.

This is one of those cloying, Clintonian fables that aren’t verifiable and have a strange odor to them.  Why would her East Indian mother raise Kamala and her sister to be strong Black women after she divorced her Jamaican father?  Why not just raise her as an American, proud of her Indian heritage?  Identity politics didn’t really exist in those days, and her recently immigrated mother wouldn’t be aware of the finer points of intra-American ethnicity.

“I know a predator when I see one.

To a Democrat audience, this is a shot at Donald Trump.  However, it raises uncomfortable questions about Joe Biden, who has recently as well as for a long time been accused of predation.  So, how good is her judgement?  Remember, she’s an unprincipled careerist, and Joe picked her.

“…we are united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of compassion, dignity and respect.

A statement like this you’d expect from a pro-lifer, but Harris is stridently pro-abortion.  Anybody who countenances the killing of babies would say anything, and here that blatant contradiction is tossed out again, as a moral distraction.  Did I say she was unprincipled?

“Donald Trump's failure of leadership has cost lives and livelihoods.

Harris accuses Trump of being responsible for the deaths of many thousands, a conclusion reached by an undeclared, unexplored system of ethics with a weird view of moral agency.  Such an accusation would be more true of Gov Andrew Cuomo or New York, a Democrat.  The statement is just an arrogant piece of drivel.  Who is she to make a case for a “failure of leadership?”  The virus killed people, and the shutdown in response to it killed livelihoods.  Now, Trump is on the other side of the shutdown, and it is Democrats who are killing livelihoods in the hope that doing so will contribute to Trump’s defeat in November.  But people are starting to notice.

“And while this virus touches us all, let's be honest, it is not an equal opportunity offender. Black, Latino and Indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately. 

This is not a coincidence. It is the effect of structural racism.

Of inequities in education and technology, health care and housing, job security and transportation.”

The virus and structural racism work hand-in-hand to kill minorities disproportionately.  How can one endure such a racist country?  She forgets that Obama and Biden governed America from 2009-2017, and they must have done nothing about structural racism.  In his less than four years, Trump has called attention to the problems of the black and minority communities.  The disproportionality comes from a prevalence of diabetes and obesity in those communities.  How great is America?  The poor suffer diseases of being over-fed!

“The injustice in reproductive and maternal health care. In the excessive use of force by police. And in our broader criminal justice system.

This virus has no eyes, and yet it knows exactly how we see each other—and how we treat each other.”

More on the hateful aspects of America, that went untouched during the Obama-Biden years.  A weird statement about the capabilities of a virus.  It has no eyes and no brain, yet is sees and knows.  Biology is not her strong suit.

“And let's be clear—there is no vaccine for racism. We've gotta do the work.

So, racism isn’t the fault of Donald Trump after all.  It’s in all of us, except those of the Elect.  Racial tensions were exacerbated during the Obama-Biden years.  BLM started in 2015 after the death of Michael Brown.  Don’t forget Obama used to work for ACORN, a Marxist Anarchist offshoot of the Saul D. Alinsky organization in Chicago.

“Joe and I believe that we can build that Beloved Community, one that is strong and decent, just and kind. One in which we all can see ourselves.

This is where she starts talking about the Community of the Elect, a Utopia in which all good people live, and which the damned deplorables live outside.

“…we've shown that, when we vote, we expand access to health care, expand access to the ballot box, and ensure that more working families can make a decent living.

Voting, per se, does none of those things.  But, she argues against mail=in balloting this time out.  (To expand access to the ballot box, i.e. mail-in, you’ve got to vote this time to without mail-in to get that expansion.)  If you want working families to make a decent living, you’ve got to vote for Trump because he’s the guy that brought jobs to the working class, as well as rising wages.  Trump’s policy in the second term is to expand manufacturing in America.  He found the magic wand that Obama said didn’t exist.

“I'm inspired by a new generation of leadership. You are pushing us to realize the ideals of our nation, pushing us to live the values we share: decency and fairness, justice and love.

Again, weird.  Joe Biden is anything but a new generation of leadership.  If she is referring to Antifa and BLM, she is once again applying her weird system of ethics that finds Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Chicago, and New York as examples of decency, fairness,, and love.

“Years from now, this moment will have passed. And our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes and ask us: Where were you when the stakes were so high?

Weirdly similar to the statement by General George S. Patton: “What did you do during the great World War II.  You won’t have to say, well, I shovelled shit in Louisiana.”  Hopefully, the people Kamala is trying to motivate will say, “we were stuck in lockdown, wearing masks, and staying apart from one another.  We were too afraid to go to the polls and vote.”

The Harris speech was twenty minutes in length.  It was a bland, featureless introduction of herself, and she didn’t say much else controversial or significant.  It made boilerplate appeals to the prejudices of Democrat and SJW fanatics.



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