Thursday, August 20, 2020

Analysis of Speech by Obama at DNC

Vincent J. Curtis 

20 Aug 20

It was well said that if Bill Clinton was the first black president, Barack Obama was the first black Clinton.  How fake is Obama?  He invented characters in his autobiography, “Dreams from my Father.”  He was once said to be a great orator, but tht skill evaporated soon after his taking office in 2009.  Obama is another one of those who don’t try to convince by arguing from an agreed on set of facts.  He invests an alternate reality and defeats strawmen created by him.  He famously trolls his opponents, and his speech contained long passages of trolling Donald Trump.  He is supposed to be a constitutional lawyer and scholar, and as you will see below, he doesn’t even know the basic text of the constitution, nor what the constitution created.  He also ordered the spying on the Trump campaign in 2016, and tried to collapse the income Trump administration using America’s spy agencies and left-behind bureaucrats – the swamp.  But let’s start:

"So at minimum, we should expect a president to feel a sense of responsibility for the safety and welfare of all 330 million of us -- regardless of what we look like, how we worship, who we love, how much money we have -- or who we voted for.

The reason Trump ordered the lockdown and resultant collapse of his brilliant economy was because he was told that otherwise 2.5 million Americans would die of the Wuhan virus.  Trump risked his re-election chances to save American lives.

“But we should also expect a president to be the custodian of this democracy.”

The United States is a constitutional republic with democratic characteristics.  The president swears to “preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States” and that constitution establishes a constitutional republic, not a democracy.  You’d expect a constitutional scholar to know this, but Obama apparently does not.

“We should expect that regardless of ego, ambition, or political beliefs, the president will preserve, protect, and defend the freedoms and ideals that so many Americans marched for and went to jail for; fought for and died for.

Insofar as freedoms are protected in the Bill of Rights, Trump is a noted champion of the Second Amendment in particular, and has well safeguarded the First.  Obama, on the other hand, violated the constitutional rights of Carter Page as a means of bringing down Trump.  All that had to do with Obama’s enormous ego.

“I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care.

This is pure trolling, as well as revealing enormous arrogance on his part.  Obama is counting on the ignorance of his audience to make the charge effective.

“For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

Again, more trolling of Trump.  Trump is famously a hard worker.  If Trump were ineffective, why would Democrats be so angry?  It was the Democrats and the Resistance (the swamp) who have batted away Trump’s outstretched hand.  Trump gave up a good life and lost a $1 billion in personal wealth in taking the office, and a lot of people gained in wealth as a result of his governance, especially those who have IRAs and 401(k)s and who depend on the stock market for retirement.  He reduced unemployment to 3.5% and wages were rising until the Wuhan virus hit.

“Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't. And the consequences of that failure are severe. 170,000 Americans dead. Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever. Our worst impulses unleashed, our proud reputation around the world badly diminished, and our democratic institutions threatened like never before.

Again, more trolling that reveals Obama’s arrogance and incredible ego.  Here again we see the attempt to blame Trump for the deaths caused by the Wuhan virus when he struggled mightily to minimize the effects of the virus.  It isn’t clear how democratic institutions were threatened by Trump, but by feckless Democrat governors and Mayors, most certainly.  These are keeping their publics locked down in the hope of beating Trump in November.

“Along with the experience needed to get things done, Joe and Kamala have concrete policies that will turn their vision of a better, fairer, stronger country into reality.

Funny, but the details of the Biden platform never get mentioned, because it’s the Bernie Sanders platform, and there’s nothing in it thatwill make the United States a stronger country.

“They'll get this pandemic under control, like Joe did when he helped me manage H1N1 and prevent an Ebola outbreak from reaching our shores.

The pandemic isn’t just under control, it’s over.  All that’s left of the fire is burning embers.  It’s Democrats their unions, and the Resistance that are keeping kids from going back to school.

“They'll rescue the economy,

More alternate reality.  The economy is recovering fast and the stock market has returned to pre-lockdown levels.  Joe was mystified when the economy didn’t take off in 2010!

“whether it's the waitress trying to raise a kid on her own, or the shift worker always on the edge of getting laid off, or the student figuring out how to pay for next semester's classes.

Once again, it’s Democrat governors and Mayors that are keeping a lockdown and preventing restaurants and schools from re-opening in the hopes of beating Trump.  Why would a student pay for next semester’s classes when they aren’t holding in class instruction?

“Joe and Kamala will restore our standing in the world”

More other-worldliness.  Trump has gone from one foreign policy success to another, and re-negotiated trade treaties left and right.  Obama’s foreign policy was an abject failure.  Everybody knows it, even Obama, which is why he’s asserting the opposite.

“But more than anything, what I know about Joe and Kamala is that they actually care about every American. And they care deeply about this democracy.

Kamala doesn’t care about Catholics or conservatives.  Joe thinks he cares about every America, and also thinks they should be disarmed.  Once again, the constitutional expert confuses a democracy with a constitutional republic.

“They believe that no one -- including the president -- is above the law, and that no public official -- including the president -- should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters.

Like Clinton,, Obama became fabulously wealthy after leaving office.  Joe has enriched his siblings and his son Hunter by using his power of office.  As for being above the law, well, we’ll see what comes out of the Durham investigation.

“the Commander-in-Chief doesn't use the men and women of our military, who are willing to risk everything to protect our nation, as political props to deploy against peaceful protesters on our own soil

No, he isn’t talking about the use of the National Guard to end the rioting and looting in Minneapolis, he’s talking about clearing the mob in front of the Whitehouse with police so that Trump could visit the burned out church across the street.  As explained by A-G Barr, but none of the Democrats on the infamous Jerry Nadler led House Judiciary Committee were listening.

“That's how the economy will keep getting skewed to the wealthy and well-connected, how our health systems will let more people fall through the cracks. That's how a democracy withers, until it's no democracy at all.

The high tech magnates like Jeff Bezos and Zuckerberg have done very well under Trump.  These are Democrat censors.  Democracy doesn’t turn on health-care insurance, though Obama wants you to believe that.

“So that our kids won't grow up on an uninhabitable planet.

How people can even exist, let alone grow up, on a planet that is ‘uninhabitable’ goes unexplained.  More of Obama’s alternate reality.

“To the young people who led us this summer, telling us we need to be better -- in so many ways, you are this country's dreams fulfilled.

He would be referring to BLM and Antifa.  We can hear echoes of his line, “we are the ones we have been waiting for.” of his acceptance speech of 2009.  For a guy so concerned with democracy, he fails to recognize the totalitarian nature of BLM and Antifa.

“This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that's what it takes to win.”

BLM and Antifa, those two totalitarian movements, have been tearing at American society and structures all summer, and Democrat governors and Mayor have been enforcing anti-civil rights provisions to enforce a lockdown, all in the hopes of beating Trump in Novermber.

“So we have to get busy building it up -- by pouring all our effort into these 76 days, and by voting like never before -- for Joe and Kamala, and candidates up and down the ticket, so that we leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for”

Voting the machine ticket is Obama’s idea of what this country we love stands for.

The delivery of the speech was flat and uninspiring.  Obama failed as president, and he knows it.  Trump is a consequential president, and Obama can’t stand the comparison.  I doubt the speech will ignite any enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris ticket.



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