Thursday, May 19, 2016

Transgenders: It never seems to end

Vincent J. Curtis

19 May 2016

Transgenderism in the news never seems to end.  Yesterday, the Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould used a transgendered child as a prop to promote her newly introduced amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code.

These amendments are supposed to give transgendered children, and adults too supposedly, a better future, a “more accepting, joyful life.”  The amendments are designed to protect the legal and human rights of transgender Canadians by including gender identity and gender expression in the Act and Code.

The transgendered child was quite the prop.  His/her name was Charlie Lowthian-Rickert and is all of ten years old.  He/she is described as a “transgendered girl,” which logically is unavailing because the expression fails to specify what the person’s gender really is on account of ambiguity.  The child, wound up like a doll, delivered its lines perfectly, and made the Justice Minister look like a savior and a goddess.

My hometown newspaper went into progressivist overdrive in promoting the Liberal bill.  The editorial moaned about having “to live in fear that society will shun or even harm you because of who you are.  Not because of anything you’ve done, but just because of the vessel you were given at birth.”  The bill was “sadly, long overdue.”  It dismissed the possibility of predators taking advantage of children in bathrooms because “there is no evidence that such fears are founded.”  It finally wound up with that progressivist classic, “It is hard to comprehend how anyone could oppose a bill which would give people the freedom and security to live the life they want to live…it should be a slam-dunk.”

Being progressive means never having to meet the argument of the other side, because the other side is hideous and immoral.

Where to begin?  Let’s start with least obvious.  It was maintained that the child was wise.  It occurred to no one either present or in the press that the intelligence of adults was being insulted by proffering the child’s words as ones of wisdom.  Children are not wise because they are too young.  Neither, apparently, are many adults.

If you think that the passage of a bill is going to make the life of transgenders “more accepting and joyful” and they not having to “live in fear that society will shun or even harm you because of who you are,” then I have some wonder land in Florida I’d like to talk to you about.  There are laws against common assault and murder, but these don’t prevent assault and murder.  This new and improved human rights legislation, apparently, will work where ordinary law fails.  It’s a bill by the Trudeau Liberal government, so that must be it.

The point about the sum of the person being a “vessel that you were given at birth” is strange coming from the party of science.  As was noted in a previous posting, your fate is sealed at conception, not at birth.  Doctors don’t make arbitrary decisions about your gender, your personality, or any other aspect of you at the moment you are delivered from your’ mother’s womb.  The “at birth” formulation betrays an utter and inexcusable ignorance of biology, and biology is a science.  I don’t think its sustainable logically to hold that a person is a helpless vessel of genetics.  Nurture as well as nature plays a role in who we are.

Nobody seems curious as to how it came to be that a ten-year old boy came to desire being a girl.  His parents dress him up as a girl, and perhaps that provides a clue as to the real cause.  Genetic predisposition, i.e. the vessel he-she ‘was given’ at birth, doesn’t seem to be the cause because by genetic predisposition the child should be a boy or a girl.  Psychology is not found in genes. Nurture rather than nature seems to have played the major role.

Maybe mommy really, really wanted a girl, and this boy had to serve the turn.  Why did mommy buy girl’s clothes for him?  Why didn’t mommy say that “she” should try being a tom-boy and make “her” wear jeans and keep “her” hair cut short?  Parents do have that kind of power over an 8 year old.  These parents failed to do that.

At puberty, “she” might change “her” mind about who “she” wants to be.  Let’s hope that “her” parents allow the child to reach puberty without drug and surgery intervention that alter the course of nature.  Studies show that 90 % of the pre-pubescent gender-confused settle into their actual gender once the adult hormones kick in.

Transgenderism in 2016 has become the gay marriage of 2015.  Transgenders have profound psychological problems, as evidenced by their high suicide rates.  The cure advanced by progressives everywhere is to destroy norms, treat transgenders as special snowflakes, and throw another load of blame on normal society.  Normal society has to be made to play-pretend because we’re not supposed to hurt the feelings of special snowflakes.  And the feelings of members of normal society be damned.  (cf. being progressive means…..)

It’s worth repeating: it is cruel to play-pretend and tell a paranoid-schizophrenic that his demons are real.  It is just as cruel to play-pretend with a transgender and tell him that he is normal and that his/her lie goes unnoticed.  Transgenders need psychological help, and playing-pretend is not help.

The Liberal bill is an exercise in political posturing intended to make the government look good in the eyes of progressives.  The Bill can only harm society a little because it is destructive of human norms, and it fails to address the real cause underlying the troubles transgenders face.

 The transgender issue represents another opportunity for progressives to commit nihilism against good society, and they are taking full advantage of it.

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