Monday, May 16, 2016

Obama Administration Forces Play-Pretend on US Schools

Vincent J. Curtis

16 May 2016

It began with the passage by the North Carolina state legislature of an ordinance specifying that “transgendered” people had to use the bathroom of the sex listed on their birth certificate in all state institutions.  This the Obama Administration had to destroy.

Within days the Administration threatened to withhold Federal funds for the State of North Carolina unless the governor of the state grovelled in public.

From there, almost immediately, the Obama Administration sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to all school boards in America stating that in their new interpretation of statutory language of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1972 Title IX entitlements, which guarantees equal treatment of the sexes for school facilities and sports, “transgender” was a new class of protection.  Unless schools and school boards bent to the will of the Obama Administration on transgenders, Federal funds would be withheld.

Never mind this action was flagrantly unconstitutional, illegal, contrary to Supreme Court precedents and contradicts previous interpretations of Title IX language.  This sort of action has been the standard operating procedure of the Obama Administration since the passage of the Affordable Care Act.  Faithless adherence of the oath of office - that the laws be “faithfully executed” - is of a piece with Obama’s handling of the illegal immigration issue.

When Barack Obama promised to fundamentally change America, reasonable people thought he would change America from a structure A to a structure O.  It turns out that structure O is indistinguishable from a heap, a heap comprised of the wreckage of structure A.

The ruling of the Obama Justice Department abolished the objective, distinguishing characteristics between male and female.  It held that only the subjective opinion in the mind of the person at issue mattered.  In abolishing objective standards by which one distinguished between male and female, the Obama Administration engaged in self-contradiction by asserting that one cannot engage in prejudice on the basis of sex, specifically transgendered sex.

In the first place, if there are no objection standards of difference, it is impossible to discriminate on the basis of sex because differences don’t exist on which to discriminate, having been abolished by executive fiat!  In the second place, if no objective standard exists to distinguish the sexes, then what is transgenderism all about?  Isn’t it about a person of one sex being highly desirous of actually being of the opposite sex?  If no objective standards of maleness and femaleness exist, then what exactly is that person’s problem?

More contradiction is found in the expression, “transgendered male.”  What does that mean?  Is it a male who pretends to be female, or a female who pretends to be a male?  Is it confined to chromosomal males who have had their parts removed, or chromosomal females who have had parts added?  And if so, which?

That there are some psychologically disturbed and confused people, there is no doubt.  But it is a wonder how, from “Caitlyn”, concern for the so-called transgendered engulfed the school systems of North America and society as a whole.  For the sake of ‘inclusiveness,’ actual women are going to have to allow physiological males who pretend to be women to use their bathrooms.  Women are going to have to share bathrooms with men who have sex issues.  It only has to be said to be laughed at, but this is the public policy being forced on society by the avant garde who earnestly believe that playing-pretend is the correct way of dealing with these disturbed individuals.  And woe betide anyone who says that there is something wrong with being disturbed in a transgendered way!  By extension, the way of dealing with a schizophrenic is play along and tell him that his demons are real.

This is what happens when ideology takes control of everything, and actual, sensible reality is intellectually abolished.  This is Orwell's 1984 being played in the United States of America, not the Soviet Union.

Stripped of all ideology, what is being foisted on society is the game of playing-pretend.  For the alleged sake of not hurting the feelings of a tiny minority, society as a whole is being forced into playing-pretend about sensible, readily perceptible facts of reality.

The further object of this game of playing-pretend over gender is to further break down objective standards of morality and good conduct.

Before Christianity, from the time of Aristotle, it has been known that a happy human life is one lived in reason and moral virtue.

The four moral virtues are: prudence, temperance, justice, and courage.  Prudence and temperance are attacked and undermined by allowing men and boys to shower with 14 year old girls.

Reason is sapped when public policy requires that self-contradictory holdings undermining of moral virtue be held as a public good.

Obama and his core supporters are unhappy people.  They are determined to make everyone else live a life of unhappiness as well before they go down in flames.

P.S.  Where are all the feminists??????? 

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