Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Show me the money

Vincent J. Curtis

27 Aug 24

RE: The cost of stalling is adding up. Op ed by Wayne Poole. The Hamilton Spectator 27 Aug 24

Sooner or later, a Spectator editor should demand of Wayne Poole the equivalent of “show me the money.”

For over a decade now, Mr. Poole has preached the cause of climate catastrophism.  Carbon dioxide is the cause of much evil; in particular, of bad weather.  In this piece, CO2 is the cause of more frequent and more intense storms, that is when it’s not responsible for drought, such as gripped Canada last summer.

Saying CO2 causes more intense and more frequent storms is saying that CO2 plays a role in the formation of rain and in the volume of rain that falls per unit of time. Even non-chemists should be able to see the absurdity in these contentions.

The upshot of most of Mr. Poole’s writings is that we Canadians have to don sackcloth and ashes in atonement for our sins against nature and the earth, and that the government needs the power to enforce that penance.  Never mind that what China, India, and our own forests do vitiate any reductions in CO2 emissions we might achieve; the suffering is good for you however unavailing it is at the end of the day.

There have been catastrophes throughout human history, and there’s no reason to believe that suffering as Mr. Poole would have us would prevent the next one.


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