Monday, August 12, 2024

Of cattle flatulence and witches

Do you still want a country?

Vincent J. Curtis

11 Aug 24

RE: What will it take for us to stop exporting coal? Op-ed by Jennifer Cole. The Hamilton Spectator 10 Aug 24. Cole is a free-lance writer from Vancouver.

In the course of her musings, author Jennifer Cole expresses the belief that the mining of Alberta coal is somehow responsible for the Jasper wild fire.  The generation of carbon dioxide by humans is responsible for bad weather and for natural disasters around the globe, she claims. “…the ferocity and frequency of wildfires is exacerbated by the effects of human caused climate change and the burning of the above mentioned fossil fuels,” she writes.

That carbon dioxide causes bad weather and natural disasters, like floods and wildfires, need only be stated to be dismissed as absurd.  Everybody knows it’s cattle flatulence and witchcraft that causes bad weather and natural disasters, and the latter has been known for centuries.  This points to eating more Alberta beef, for the surest way to stop a cow from flatulating is to eat it; and to the burning Ontario’s witches.

On a somewhat more serious note, progressives are full of ideas for destroying Alberta’s economy: ending oil & gas, and coal mining; crippling agriculture through limiting the use of fertilizers; and ending Alberta ranching, which raises those tasty, but flatulating cattle.

Climate change may indeed raise tough questions as Cole says, and one of those questions is: do you still want a country? If Central Canadians still want a country, instead of trying save the world by destroy Alberta’s economy, they ought to amuse themselves by the burning of Ontario’s witches.


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