Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Gun Control: The big distraction

Vincent J. Curtis

26 Aug 24

RE: Five injured in two shootings, loaded gun seized to prevent third. News item. The Hamilton Spectator 26 Aug 24

Bill C-21, passed into law earlier this year, was the Trudeau government’s answer to rising gun violence.  Strangely, gun violence has gotten decidedly worse since the bill became law, as the story at reference illustrates.

Bill C-21 deprives lawful gun owners of rights they once possessed, and will eventually deprive some of them of their lawfully acquired property also.  These actions aren’t going to reduce gun violence because lawful gun owners and lawful gun ownership plainly aren’t the problem. The problem is that transnational gangs can get guns and use guns as they go about their businesses of stealing cars, selling drugs, etc.  The gun shown in the photograph accompanying the story was a Glock model converted to fire in full automatic mode, which isn’t generally legal even in the United States, from which the gun undoubtedly originated. But the law and law enforcement aren’t directed against powerful gangs with guns, but, let’s face it, against unorganized white guys who registered their guns with the government as the law required.

The Trudeau government’s gun control legislation, whacking as it does the unpopular, was strictly for political show, and not directed at the real problem at all.  Gun violence will continue to rot civilization because the government poses for imagery instead of tackling a tough problem.  Voters ought to notice.


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