Friday, September 23, 2022

It’s a mental crisis

Vincent J. Curtis

23 Sept 22

RE: Crisis expected to cost province billions.  A CP story by Allison Jones.  Published in the Hamilton Spectator 23 Sept 22.

We’re not suffering from a climate crisis; we’re suffering from a mental crisis.  Specifically, that crisis takes two forms: the first is the belief that civilization will come to an end as a result of burning fossil fuels, fertilizing crops, and eating beef; while the second comes as a belief that Hamilton, Ontario, Canada can do anything about it.

It’s the opinion of Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office that “climate change” will raise the cost of maintaining infrastructure from $11B to $13B per year by 2030 and to $15B per year by 2050.  I have a feeling that inflation and population growth will have far greater effects on those numbers than climate change.  Keep in mind that the FAO is making it all up. They don’t know what the actual effects of climate change will be in 2050; it could be drought or repeated torrential rains, or pretty much the same as between 1950 and 1980 (which included Hurricane Hazel).  So long as Ontario doesn’t cripple its economy with unwise climate mitigation measures, she’ll have to money to handle higher maintenance costs.

The Greens, of course, partake in the mental-cum-climate crisis, and demand Ontario “take meaningful climate action” to reduce the FAO estimates.  Ontario shares the planet with China and India, whose CO2 emissions dwarf Ontario’s and will rise rapidly through 2030.  There’s nothing Ontario can do about the world’s CO2 emissions, which vastly dwarf its own.  The Greens must know this, and they don’t care.  They have a mental crisis too.

Brace for impact, and keep making money.


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