Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Grazie Italia

Vincent J. Curtis

27 Sept 22

You don’t ordinarily think of the Associated Press and Reuters as gutter press, but on occasion they can be.  The labelling of Giorgia Meloni as “far-right” and “fascist” are examples of the practice.

Until last week, nobody outside of Italy had ever heard of Giorgia Meloni, or the Brothers of Italy party, but suddenly the instant experts are condemning Italy’s democratic choice to lead the next government.  "Far-right" and "Fascist, "She will be the first elected Prime Minister of Italy in fourteen years; the rest were selected by coalitions of parties.

Why was Meloni elected?  Because her policies are contrary to the consensus of the Italy’s extended bureaucratic class.  In America, it’s called the Deep State; in the UK it’s called The Blob; in Canada it used to be the Mandarins.  It doesn’t matter which party is elected, the same policies remain in place regardless.  Meloni promised an “Italy First” policy, meaning and end to welcoming refugees from Africa and the Middle East, and a painstaking review of environmental policies that are going to freeze Europe this winter.  And she sounds like she means it.

Meloni is another worrisome example of populism – the belief in representative government - that the government should act on the wishes of the people.  It started with Trump’s “America First”, followed here by Pierre Poilievre’s ‘freeing Canada from the grip of Ottawa,’ and Liz Truss in the UK turning conservative and putting “Britain First.”  Elected representatives actually looking after their constituents first – what concept!

Progressivism has taken control of the entrenched bureaucracies around the world.  Rule by expert is congenial to an entrenched bureaucracy, because who is more expert than them?  The entrenched media is in alliance with the entrenched bureaucracy, both professionally and psychologically, for who is better at telling people what is best than the entrenched expert media?

The election of Meloni is a threat to this, and so she gets the treatment: she’s far-right and a fascist.  Never mind the leader of the Italian Left scoffs at these claims.  Her party is connected in some way to post-WWII Italian neo-fascist parties.  As if the Democrat party in the U.S. wasn’t the party of Jim Crow and slavery, or the Liberal and PC parties weren't responsible for maintaining the residential school system.

Meloni doesn’t look remotely like Benito Mussolini, but to put in a good word for him, he only afflicted Italy.  His dream of an Empire collapsed when he threw in with Hitler.  But he never sent Jews to Germany.  If Meloni’s damage is as extensive as Mussolini’s, it will only hurt Italians, the people who elected her.  The rest of the world has nothing to fear from the election of Giorgia Meloni, only the ideologues who fear her like a balloon fears a needle.


Meloni’s election pushed the election of the “far-right” in Sweden off the pages.  The Swedish right got elected because the policy of admitting refugees from the Middle East was proving disastrous for civil peace in Sweden.  Bombings of all things suddenly erupted – in Sweden!  To say nothing of crimes of violence and violence against women.  Internationalists oppose nationalism, like “Italy First.”  Progressives think European cultures to be evil and must be diluted with Islamic culture imported from the Middle East.  The people, the victims of these policies, had enough, and voted to end the madness and their pain, for the Internationalists and Porgressives are not subject to the ramifications of their ideology – that’s for the betterment of the little people, for society as a whole.  Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Wrote this in a letter to the editor in 2018 after Italian election in response to a column by Gwynne Dyer.
    Protecting your language, your religion and your history is not racist. The Italians have a proud heritage that is worth saving. If the Italians don't protect it, who will? Through the election process the Italians showed their displeasure with an increasingly oppressive European Union who did not care what the Italian people wanted and their fierce opposition to mass immigration and open borders. Immigration is welcome when others come to join you to build a common culture, a unified government and legal system and a vibrant economy. Muslim migrants bring their own culture, language and sharia law. They also bring with them a long history of violence and intolerance. The Italian voter refused to accept what the Italian government and EU commanded of them.
