Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Enforced diversity

Vincent J. Curtis

28 Sept 22

RE: Improvising diversity not a ‘slippery slope’ Spectator editorial 28 Sept 22.

Old white men writing editorials for the Spectator think that diversity is great – for other people.  Specifically, city council.

Luckily, we still live in a democracy and the electorate get to make their own decisions about who represents them.  Enforced diversity and equity be damned, I’m picking whomever I want!

“Economist and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Thomas Sowell has written two books in the last decade that address the proposition that an organization ought to reflect proportionately the demographics of the community.  They are Discrimination and Disparities, and The Visions of the Anointed.  Sowell goes into pains-taking detail showing why demographic proportionality never happens in the real world.  Groups are not essentially alike in capabilities and desires.  Reality is lumpy, uneven, and particular. The idea that proportional representation ought to occur is a long discredited ‘vision of the anointed.’  But liberals take no cognizance of the findings of Thomas Sowell.  To do so would be counter-productive.”

If you want to follow the science, forget about diversity and equity and leave the electorate to make the choices it wants, unhindered by accusations of choosing wrong.



1 comment:

  1. Taken from an actual advertisement for a position at Memorial University:
    “Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador is committed to employment equity and diversity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, Indigenous peoples, racialized people, and people with disabilities. As part of Memorial University’s commitment to employment equity, all applicants are invited to identify themselves as a member of an equity-deserving target group(s) as appropriate.” They could have just said: White males need not apply.
