Saturday, July 9, 2022

Trudeau hates Canada: apologizes for nothing.

Vincent J. Curtis

9 July 22

RE: Trudeau apologizes to descendants of No. 2 Construction Battalion CEF

This apology should be viewed as another effort by Prime Minister Trudeau to humiliate Canada.  He portrays Canada’s history as one atrocity after another, and this “apology” is to create another atrocity out of nothing.

The No. 2 Construction Battalion served honourably in Britain and France from the fall of 1917 to December 1918.  Attached to the Canadian Forestry Corps, the battalion filled a role that needed filling, namely forestry work in France.  The battalion was among the first to be repatriated to Canada, arriving in February, 1919.  A salient fact about the battalion is how few troops there were in it.  After recruiting across all Canada, the battalion sent overseas 19 officers and 595 men.  A standard battalion required 1049 men.  The Black troops were assigned the duties they were because there weren’t enough Black men in all Canada to staff a full battalion and keep it staffed in the face of battle losses.

A segregated battalion was common in those times.  The U.S. Army, under the presidency of that great progressive Woodrow Wilson, was kept rigidly segregated.  Besides, given the prejudices of the times, what would be the point of distributing 595 Black soldiers among half a million white soldiers?

So, what’s the apology about?  To say that white soldiers of a hundred years ago, now all deceased, the grandfathers and great-grandfathers of those living today, were racists.  What is demanded in compensation to “descendants” by their self-appointed spokesmen?  Money and power.  Instead, Trudeau is offering to punish the soldiers of the CAF today with more rigorous progressive indoctrination.  CRT, and all that.

It’s all a big. shameful joke.  But Trudeau keeps power by dividing Canadians.  Trudeau hates Canada.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Has Trudeau run out of apologies and cash? I doubt it.
