Sunday, July 31, 2022

Marxist trolling

Vincent J. Curtis

30 July 22

RE: Be the change to make our city healthy and cool.  Op-ed by Noelle Allen, who is the publisher of Wolsak and Wynn.  The Hamilton Spectator 30 July 22.

Noelle Allen plays the Marxist troll with her nonsense article.  She doesn’t pretend to expertise in Climate Science, just that she reads authoritative literature.  Literature from the Climate Accountability Institute that says 100 companies in the world produced 71 percent of the CO2 released between 1988 and 2017.  Would one of those companies be the Chinese Communist Party?  She doesn’t say.  How about India based Mittal Steel Corporation – you can’t make steel without emitting a lot of CO2? She doesn’t say.

No doubt major oil companies are on that list, you know the companies that produce the oil and gas that keep the economy running and people from freezing to death in winter.  But, the non-expert assures us, you can do something about climate change by giving money, like to David Suzuki Foundation.  And there are things you can do this hot summer to keep things cool, this non-expert says.

The problem with climate non-experts is the same as with climate experts.  They act like they don’t understand that Canada’s contribution to world CO2 emissions is negligible.  Whatever could be done in Canada is rendered futile by what is happening in India and Communist China.  They just like to see the Canadian hamster running faster in his wheel, thinking he's accomplishing something.

Climate non-expert and expert alike express a sense of moral superiority by telling other people what to do, even though that thing is futile.


1 comment:

  1. Part of a recent letter to the editor which of course was not published.

    Radical leftists have taken control of the environmental narrative and our politicians have signed on. It is all about taking the wealth of industrialized countries and transferring it to the poor countries of the third world. Just by doing that we are going to save the planet. Of course we will. Canada is a wealthy country because of our natural resources. Leaving those resources in the ground will make us all poor. For the foreseeable future, oil and gas are essential to civilization and our own well-being.

    Canada contributes so little of the world’s carbon emissions, if PM Trudeau eliminated all emissions tomorrow nothing would change. For the sake of appeasing the climate change activists, Canada’s poor and working class will be made to suffer the consequences.
