Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sir Lanka: It was supposed to be us

Vincent J. Curtis

14 July 22

It was supposed to happen to the United States.  It was supposed to happen to the western world.  But it happened to Sri Lanka first.

Variations of the Green New Deal have been proposed since the beginning of the 1990s, i.e. immediately following the collapse of the Soviet Union.  What’s a good Marxist to do after his central project collapsed and discredited his belief system?  Why, he turns to revenge against the United States.  He wants to demolish the economic system that proved superior and was triumphant.  So, good Marxists became progressive environmentalists.  The American economy would be destroyed by ruining its energy supply, and then by any other means.  The western weakness of self-criticism would be exploited.  Hence, Kyoto.  Hence, global warming.

The political leadership of Sri Lanka bought into the most extreme of the nonsense.  They believed they were going to make Sri Lanka rich by 2025 by jumping whole-hog into green energy and net zero.  Fertilizer imports were banned.  The returns are now in, and the consequences are in the news.

The Sri Lankan economy has collapsed.  The country is without food, money, a functioning energy grid, and now a president.  The Prime Minister it without a house, his having been torched by the mobs.

Dutch farmers are acting like Canadian truckers because their government wants to ban fertilizer and kill cows.  Fertilizer releases “nitrogen,” a greenhouse gas!  They want cows banned because they release methane, another “GHG.”  Those running the Netherlands couldn’t pass Grade 9 chemistry.

To be generous, by “nitrogen” they likely mean nitrous oxide, N2O, which indeed is active in the infra-red.  It is present in the atmosphere at less than 5 ppm, and it degrades to nitrogen and oxygen under the influence of UV light.  So, it doesn’t persist.  Neither does methane, cow flatulence or natural gas, present at about 2 ppm.  It gets converted into carbon dioxide and water in the atmosphere.  These gases aren’t used in a greenhouse, but they get called GHG’s because they’re active in the infra-red.

Mankind is in no danger from “global warming” or “climate change,” and that’s why the matter cannot be discussed.  You have to shut-up and act immediately, immediately!  Never mind India and China!!  That, in turn, betrays the political motivation of climate change, as explained in paragraph 2.  If you read my piece on “Beer’s Law and Climate Change,” and “Molecular mechanism of global warming” you’ll understand the scientific reasons why anthropogenic climate change is bunkum.  The reason you see so many claims from allegedly reputable scientists about climate change has to do with $$$, in particular their next research grant.  When science is guided by the hand of government, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, and if all it takes is to toss a little incense into the temple of the climate god to get your next paycheque, that’s what you do.  Being a Marxist helps ease the conscience, because, if you’re a Marxist, you don’t have one.  Change the funding bias against climate change, and watch the change in outlook of scientific publications.

As for the average person, look at Sri Lanka and imagine that that’s what’s in store for us.



  1. I believe you and so do many others. Tucker Carlson said the same about Sri Lanka the other night. I hope you submitted this to the Spectator. Gwynne Dyer attributed the downfall of Sri Lanka to political greed. But he is wrong about almost everything.

  2. I think you will find the following article interesting

    Marx and the Banning of Elements in the Periodic Table | Gates of Vienna

    Picking Global Warming as an example, we have a completely invented problem, which of course can be manipulated in any way needed to end up at the point you want to land on. Primarily, the destruction of the West with its notions of free market economy and individual rights. Since the problem is fake, and created and enforced by “consensus” (See video below) all the reactions from people calling it out as fake must be dealt with using the dialectic attack of hate speech. This was fabricated by a second generation Frankfurt School acolyte, a certain Habermas, in the form of “Discourse Theory”.
