Thursday, June 9, 2022

Look, up in the sky!

Vincent J. Curtis

9 June 22

·         RE: Climate ball now in Ottawa’s court.  Op-ed by Mark Winfield.  The Hamilton Spectator 9 June 22.

Mark Winfield is a professor of “environmental and urban change” at York University.  He left off Kool-Aid drinker.  His list of horribles due to climate change shows only that he’s drunk the Kool-Aid and is a climate narcissist.  Somehow, Ontario’s construction of Highway 413 is going to make the world’s climate measurably worse.  You know, forest fires, biblical flooding, pestilence, bacterial blooms, and extreme weather events.  Biblical stuff, meaning we’ve experienced it before.

Let me help him.  That big, bright shiny ball in the sky known as the sun delivers all the energy that drives the earth’s climate.  If not for the sun, the temperature of the earth’s surface would approximate that of outer space.  Because the earth rotates on a tilted axis, the earth experiences seasons.  When a hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it experiences summer, and winter when tilted away from it.  The intensity of these seasons change over 20,000 years as the earth’s orbit precesses around the sun, and the summer or winter of each hemisphere occurs when the earth is closer to or farther away from the sun in its annual orbit.

The sun also undergoes sunspot cycles which may be related to solar energy output.  More or less output means more or less energy for the earth.

If mankind has any influence at all on the world’s climates, it is microscopic compared to this.  By microscopic, I mean immeasurably small.  Constructing Highway 413, switching to electric cars, using windmills instead of nuclear power, voting Liberal or Conservative, Canada disappearing altogether changes nothing important to the earth’s climate.

Stop worrying about the climate.  God’s got this.  Stop being a narcissist and think you can do God’s work.  And call me when meteorologists can forecast weather accurately three months out, never mind a century out.


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