Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Green exposes Freeland as 'empty dress'


Green did good!

Vincent J. Curtis

15 June 22

Hamilton Centre MP Matthew Green did a creditable and newsworthy job of exposing the Trudeau government’s invocation of the Emergencies Act.  Green is on the statutory committee investigating the declaration of the Act.

Green asked Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland for specifics from her Department showing that a threat to national security actually existed at the time.  Green wanted entered into evidence quantifiable facts on the economic impact of the occupation to show that it met the threshold of a “threat to national security.”  What a threat to national security is, is defined in Section 2 of the CSIS Act.

Freeland responded with evasions and time consuming speechifying.  Green was having none of it, and he repeatedly cut her off and demanded specifics.  Under pressure, Freeland’s responses became patronizing, condescending, and passive-aggressive.  She practically whispered how she “disagreed so forcefully” with Green’s brushing aside her evasions in his quest for facts.

Since Green is Black and was calm, it wasn’t easy for Freeland to play the poor woman being picked on by an awful white man.  Unintentionally, Green showed Freeland to be an empty dress.  (If men can be empty suits, women can be empty dresses – that is if you believe in the distinction between men and women.)

Green exposed that the Trudeau government had no economic justification for invoking the Emergencies Act and that there was no basis for a declaration under national security.  All the Act, requires, despite all the hand waving, is the agreement of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, a.k.a. the provincial government, and poof! The Government can do anything it wants.  Rights be damned.

Since there is no legal penalty for invoking the Emergencies Act under false premises, the Trudeau government can only pay a price at the polls.  This threat to civil rights needs to be repealed.


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