Sunday, October 3, 2021

What about therapeutics?

Vincent J. Curtis

2 Oct 21

The Hamilton Spectator published interviews of four doctors on the front lines of treating COVID patients in Hamilton as part of its panic-porn campaign to scare people into getting vaccinated.  Of the four doctors the Spectator interviewed for the October 2nd, 2021, issue, only one of them, Dr. Kuldeep Sidhu, said anything about therapeutics for those having COVID.  When asked what sort of treatments are available, Dr. Sidhu answered, “Quite literally at this point it’s still supportive care, supportive ventilation, and oxygenation.”  In short, they’ll hold your hand and give you oxygen to live, if necessary.

I saw nothing about therapeutic drugs, or which there are several, and I wonder if they are being used to treat COVID or not.  For example, Remdesivir was approved for use in Canada in July, 2020.  It is an anti-viral drug that kills COVID viruses.  There are monoclonal anti-bodies such as those from Regeneron and Eli Lilly, which mimic human anti-bodies for COVID.  There is Dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, which helps patients with real breathing problems to breathe.  The oft-derided Ivermectin has a moderate-certainty of reducing the severity of COVID symptoms if used early, according to a paper published in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

President Trump, aged 74, when infected, was treated immediately with an infusion of Rengeneron’s monoclonal antibody followed by five days of Remdesivir, and he recovered fully and quickly.

If these treatments are available and aren’t being used, then we need to ask why.  And if they are being used, then why was no mention made of it?  Is it because the political cause is to encourage vaccination, and if people know therapeutics work they might forego vaccination?  Is that the reason?


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