Monday, October 18, 2021

Mac is leading, not lagging on vaccinations.

Vincent J. Curtis

18 Oct 21

RE: McMaster straggles behind most Ontario universities record high vaccination coverage. By Maria Sarrouh of the Toronto Star.  Published in the Hamilton Spectator, 18 Oct 21.

With the death at age 84 of former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell from complications of COVID-19, it reminds us that the vaccines are not all they were cracked up to be.  The rush to vaccinate everybody from infants on up now needs to be questioned.  It is particularly surprising that universities are in an all-out rush to vaccinate students in the face of the empirical data.

Universities are supposed to be places of higher learning.  They are supposed to be places questioning the intellectual fashions of the day, not following them.  Science is supposed to be empirical and follow the data wherever it leads.

Here is Ontario’s empirical data on COVID-19.  Ontario has had 595,000 cases and 9815 deaths.  Of these, 225,455 cases and 99 deaths occurred in the 20-39 demographic, which certainly covers nearly all university students.  This is a mortality rate of less than 0.05 percent, which makes COVID about as dangerous as the seasonal flu to this demographic.  Nobody demands vaccination with Tamiflu as a condition of attending university, so why is there a requirement that students be vaccinated against COVID-19, even those who have already had it and recovered?  Vaccination is of no benefit to the student, and there are some risks, such as myocarditis and pericarditis in young men.

Unfortunately, even universities have been poisoned by ideologies, which have never been shown to touch reality.  Mac is leading, not lagging in vaccination sensibility, though the lead is slim.


1 comment:

  1. Did Colin Powell die from COVID-19 or with COVID-19? He was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma a few years ago and was being treated for the disease which would have compromised his immune system. COVID-19 may have been a contributing factor to his death but not the cause.
