Friday, March 20, 2020

Climate Change and the COVID-19 pandemic

Vincent J. Curtis

20 Mar 20

Perhaps only a climate change skeptic would notice, but no one has been out there beating the climate change drum over the COVID-19 outbreak.  You would think that an actual global pandemic and catastrophe would be tailor-made for the CC propaganda machine.

But, so far, nothing but crickets.  The reason may well be that everyone knows how the coronavirus pandemic started.  It is deemed racist to observe that the virus developed in Wuhan, China, and that the Chinese government bungled its containment, so let’s just observe that Italy also bungled the handling of the epidemic and now counts more deaths from it than China.  Globalization has too many friends to observe that global air travel had more to do with the spread of the pandemic than CC did with its origin.

The origin of the virus and its spread has nothing to do with climate being hotter or colder or wetter or drier.  It seems sensible that disease would incubate better in warm, moist conditions, but we know that unusual climate did not obtain in China at the December, 2019, outbreak.  We also observe that the communist Chinese government has been deflecting inquiry into the origins of the outbreak, and that is significant.

One day, an unscrupulous CC propagandist will count the COVID-19 pandemic as an example of the consequences of global warming.  But let it be noted that, at the time, climate alarmists were silent.

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