Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Carrying Water for Chinese Communists

Vincent J. Curtis

31 Mar 20

I did not expect the Hannon Times to reprint an editorial of the Beijing People’s Daily as one of its own, but there it is.

Justin Trudeau succored China with Canada’s now desperately needed reserves of medical PPE, after the WHO warned the world of the coming calamity.  But we’re supposed to believe that Justin’s critics are with merit because China is so grateful.  And now China is repaying our generosity by offering help in return.  Offering!  How nice!  When is that help supposed to get here – July?  The editorial didn’t say.

The communist Chinese government doesn’t feel gratitude.  They recognize fools and weakness, and know how to exploit it.

The communist Chinese regime lied about the nature and scale of the Wuhan outbreak when the world needed that information most.  And it’s still lying.  That lying put the rest of the world in danger, but the Chinese regime doesn’t care.  All they care about is the survival of their regime, which is why they lied.  They bungled the handling of the initial outbreak because they had to lie to themselves about the problem until it could no longer be ignored.

The communist Chinese government is utterly illegitimate, and even they know it.  They fear revolution.  They cannot afford to look incompetent, because competence is their only justification for holding on to power.

Inexplicably, some westerners still hold romantic notions about communist governments, as demonstrated by Trudeau’s actions and the Times' editorial.  Believe me, the Chinese government is comprised of cold-blooded killers – just ask the doctors in Wuhan who first spread the word to the outside world – if you can find them.

China can collect medical PPE domestically by taking it from regions they need to keep oppressed. The communists send it to Canada as “repayment.”  Stalin worked that way in the 1930s with food.  China is even now looking to expand its power and influence in the Third World by offering “help” to those countries to deal with the virus.  A Faustian bargain, at best, and entirely consistent with China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” to replace the U.S. as the dominant world power.

The point here is that lefties remain stupid, because there’s no fixing stupid.  Others like Chinese money.  It was a mistake sending precious reserves to China when we were going to need it here.  Criticism of Trudeau’s folly and weakness is entirely justified.  It was a mistake to continue receiving flights from China until the end of March.  Maybe it was romantic stupidity or maybe it was fear that led Trudeau to succor China, but to attack Trudeau’s critics as being without merit makes one wonder about the power and influence of the Chinese government in Canadian businesses.

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