Friday, February 21, 2020

What informed people know about Climate Change.

Vincent J. Curtis

21 Feb 20

The Saltpork & Rind ran an editorial today that was strangely optimistic.  It was headlined, "Climate change war can be won."  It opened with what an informed person would know about climate change, but facts need to be true to be truly known.  I was reminded of the "declare victory and go home" strategy recommended to Lyndon Johnson in the middle of the Vietnam War.

For all the sound and fury signifying ignorance, the editorial bears the unmistakable sign of withdrawal – of the declare victory and go home variety.

First, the ignorance.  Every informed person doesn’t know that humans are rapidly overheating the planet.  Global warming is a myth crated by climate alarmists that even they can’t sustain any more.  We don’t in fact know to what extent human are heating the atmosphere at all, because climate fraudsters in the funding agencies won’t fund studies to determine the ratio of human to natural caused warming.  In fact, we don’t know that a long term trend of warming is occurring at all.

Informed persons are aware of the work of UAH and RSS, which shows no warming of the troposphere since 1998, the so-called pause in global warming.  The pause, recognized by the IPCC,  is why the term climate change is now the current buzz-word replacing global warming.

Informed persons also know that the polar ice caps are not melting, though oft-predicted going back into the 1920’s.  Climate alarmists were predicting an ice-free Arctic by 2018 as recently as 2005.  An informed person is able to check on line the condition of the Arctic ice cap and the amount of snow accumulation in Greenland, which, evidently, does not include the writer of the editorial.  And the Maldives are still above the waves and doing nicely, despite dire warnings going back more than thirty years.  The oceans are not rising. (Wasn’t Obama supposed to fix that anyway?)

An informed person knows that as a matter of fact storms, floods, droughts, and wildfire have become less frequent and less devastating in recent decades, and that global warming will have no effect whatsoever on the strength of storms, the severity of floods, or droughts.  All these hardships have occurred in the past, and they were always attributed to acts of nature, when CO2 levels were low.  Only now are such things being attributed to man.

The editorial at least admits that under Donald Trump the United States is the only country that is exceeding its carbon dioxide reduction requirements under the Paris Accord.  The reason is the “environmental benighted” fracking revolution, which is producing so much natural gas that coal-fired power plants are no longer economic or even necessary.  This is “environmentally benighted” for you: we don’t care that Trump is succeeding, we hate him so much!

And then there’s the carbon tax, working its alleged miracles.  Funny, but these miracles are happening before the tax has had a chance to take effect.  The Federal government admits that it doesn’t know by what, if any, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by its carbon tax.  It’s taking a spaghetti against the wall approach.  We do know that the carbon tax in B.C. hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions in that province, and so B.C. is going to raise it by another $5 a tonne.

All right, we’ve established conclusively that the editorial’s “informed person” is in fact quite an ignorant person who gets his news from the Daily Show.  But enough light is shining into the dim offices of the SP&R editorial department that they can see the writing on the wall.  Sooner or later, people are going to start wondering where all the disasters are.  Why have we been subjected to all this fear-mongering for so long?  Is the Saltpork & Rind just churning out fake news for the advantage of progressivist ideology?

For the sake of its own credibility, the best policy is to declare victory and go home.  Say the war is won by the carbon tax and you won’t be embarrassed by all the disasters that never seem to happen.  That’s the editorial in a nutshell.

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