Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Canada to Introduce Licensing of News Outlets?

Vincent J. Curtis

3 Feb 20

Believers in a free press should take no solace from the “clarifying” remarks from Heritage Minister Steven Guillbeault.  After releasing a document suggesting the Liberal government needed to move to license news outlets, the Minister denied it, saying “We are committed to a free and independent press.  Our focus will be and always has been to ensure that Canadians have access to a diversity of high-quality and credible news sources.”

The use of the active form ought to raise concerns.  Why should the government be “committed to a free and independent press?”  What measures does the government have in mind “to ensure that Canadians have access to ‘high-quality’ and ‘credible’ news sources?”

The proper attitude of a government to regulating the press is supine indifference.  The government shouldn’t care.  The moment a government takes measures to fulfill a ‘commitment maintain a free and independent press,’ it involves the government deciding what amounts to a free and independent press.  And when the commitment is to ‘high-quality and credible new sources,’ does that leave the gutter press (e.g. Frank Magazine) and news outlets it regards as less than credible (e.g. Rebel Media) open to government predation?

The Minister opened his mouth, and changed feet.  There is no reason for believers in a free press to take comfort from the assurance that a busy-body is going to leave well enough alone..

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