Friday, February 28, 2020

Mass Extinction the new all-purpose scare

Vincent J. Curtis

28 Feb 20

The Saltpork & Rind ran an op-ed today slugged, "Slash and burn policies fuelling climate crisis in Ontario.  It was written by two authors, each from a different environmentalist-wacko organization.  The purpose of the article was to bash Ontario premier Doug Ford for changes in forestry policy.  What was notable about the article was the employment of mass extinction along side climate change as a reason why a conservative was not just wrong, he was evil.

Once again, the Saltpork & Rind publishes a tedious recital of environmentalist nonsense, presented on the authority of junk science, and that amounts to nothing but an offering to Baal, the god of environmentalism.  From the David Suzuki Foundation and Environmental Defense we expect no less.

This article is interesting for its emphasis on the latest faux-scientific fad, the mass extinction of species.  Based on fossil records, paleontologists infer that there have been several mass die-offs of species over the last 500 million years.  All of these previous die-offs are attributed to unknown but nevertheless natural causes.  The current die-off, if it is actually occurring however, is unquestionably attributable to mankind, and particularly to the evils of western civilization.  Man’s use of fossil fuels must be the cause of the current die-off, there is little doubt (and even less evidence) of that.

The purpose of this is to observe a change in tactics.  Global warming lost its cache in view of the lack of warming since 1998, and was replaced by climate change.  That expression too is losing its power as people notice than climate always seems to be changing, in a cyclical way.  Now we’re threatened with mass species extinction, something so unobservable by the average person that they will have to accept the authority of scientifically-sounding claims.

I expect mass extinction to take a greater share of the Marxist-Anarchist-Nihilist propaganda against the success of western civilization.

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