Sunday, November 13, 2016

Trump Wins, Obama People Riot

Vincent J. Curtis

13 Nov 2016

Donald Trump won an unexpected and decisive victory for president on Nov 8th.  It took a day for the results to sink in, for organizers to organize, and then for the riots to begin.  Yesterday was the fourth day in a row in which rioting at the results of the election took place.  These riots occur at night, when rioters are less easily identified; and they occur in cities that are bastions of progressivism: New York, Chicago, and cities along the west coast.

On Monday, Nov 7th, news media were still taunting the Trump campaign about whether or not he would accept the results of the election.  The media were fussing about “a peaceful transfer of power.”  The media taunted Trump about his claims of the “rigged system.”

And this continued until about 9:00 p.m. election night, when it became clear that the exit polls were wrong and that Trump was going to win the election.  The shoe got put on the other foot, and look what happened.  Progressives - Obama’s people, Bernie’s people, Hillary’s supporters - began to riot – after they got organized.  So much for emotion; what we have here is calculation.

The media, ever carrying water for Obama, gave the riots heavy coverage, and they wondered what Trump was going to do to calm the waters.  What concessions could be extracted from him in his moment of triumph by these bullying crybabies?

Trump has so far remained silent.  Calls have come out from the Trump side for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton to say something.  But so far, silence.

Rule No. 6 of Saul D. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals reads, “A good tactic is one your people will enjoy.”  They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more.  They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.  Rule No. 7 reads, “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”  Rule No. 8 reads, “Keep the pressure on.  Never let up.”

The reason why progressives opted for rioting is that this is a tactic their people enjoy.  We saw it for ourselves starting with the rioting in Ferguson, MO.  Black Lives Matter is a movement built upon rioting and violent confrontation.  Rioting, destruction of private property, and looting went on long after any emotion of anger had expired.  Rioting continued because it became a fun way for progressives so inclined to bay at the moon.  They could feel good about themselves making a moral exhibition of themselves.

The reason Obama has so far resisted calls for him to say something is that he does not want to appear powerless before his mob.  If he calls for calm and he is ignored, then he looks weak and devoid of followers.  In addition, his erstwhile followers may turn upon him, accusing him of being a traitor to the movement.  None of this looks good for his legacy.

Rule 7, and sheer exhaustion will ensure that rioting eventually ceases.  This is the moment when Obama may come out calling for an end to the “protests” and “demonstrations,” that is, fecklessly once it is over.

Rule 8 ensures that dedicated progressives are not going to give up.  They are going to continue progressivist bullying in an effort to deflect Trump from fulfilling his campaign pledges.  They will have plenty of supporters in the media, who are progressive to the core.

The people protesting Trump’s triumph are unworthy of democracy.  They are unworthy of the blessings of America.  They lack the fundamental civility necessary for a peaceful democracy.

Van Jones is a commentator at the Clinton News Network, an admitted communist, and former member of the Obama Administration.  He is also a black racist.  Jones ascribed Trump’s victory to “whitelash.”  To Jones’s mind, it’s okay for 85 % of the black electorate to vote for Hillary Clinton, but when 60 % of white voters vote for Donald Trump instead of Hillary, that’s a sign of racism.

Jones is a moral idiot.  Jones looks and seems intelligent from time to time, but he can’t reason his way out of a paper bag.  And he doesn’t want to, for his mind is too poisoned by hate.

He complained about the fear Trump’s election engendered.  Well, so what!!  Let the fearful suffer the pain of their fear – a condign punishment for being stupid.  For thinking they can bully people with their passive-aggressive tactics.

So it is with progressivism everywhere.  Progressivism is a secular religion, and if you disagree with a progressive, that makes you immoral and unworthy of consideration or civil treatment.  Bullying is standard practice with progressivism.

Really, lack of civility is what is most offensive about the rioting.  Hillary lost fair and square; and rioting against Trump, who did nothing but win, is simply an attack on democracy itself - on the constitutional republic itself.

The media are tempted to hang the continued rioting on Trump.  He would be wise to say nothing until he assumes office, and even then to let his actions speak for him.

The following quote appeared earlier this week on Mark Steyn’s website:

“Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen.”

It is worth absorbing this insight.  As the media try to hang rioting, or offer anything else on Trump, it will be example of the above observation.

The media never learn, and they can never by humbled.

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