Monday, July 22, 2024

The gravy train is over

Vincent J. Curtis

21 July 24

RE: Funding cuts threaten investigations into missing children from former Mohawk Institute. Story by Kate McCullough. The Hamilton Spectator 20 July 24.

The complaints that the Federal government gravy train is grinding to a halt reek of cynicism.  How much does it cost, and how long does it take, to run ground penetrating radar over 750 acres?

When the story of murdered Indian children exploded in 2021, the Federal government allocated $30 million to aid in the searches.  The Mohawks demanded, and apparently received, $10 million of that allotment.  That offer expired after three years, in March 2024. What happened to it?  If you paid 15 researchers $100,000 a year for three years, that would account for less than half the money.

So far, nothing tangible has been found, anywhere. The Mohawk Institute was a day school; kids went home at might; and over 150 years, 15,000 thousand kids attended the school.  Only 56 are unaccounted for.  Surely, stories and the names of kids who died or disappeared mysteriously would persist among their classmates; and their parents would certainly know something was amiss. These alleged crimes went undetected, and unsuspected, for decades?  And there’s no recollection of a place on the grounds where kids were allegedly buried? And there’s no obvious place where they might have been?

To date, no bodies have been found anywhere, not even in Kamloops. This whole murdered kids story was invented; and it has been used to milk the white man of his money, and to impute the guilt of genocide, first cultural and then actual.

The funding is being cut because even official Ottawa is catching on. You can’t fool all of the people all of the time.


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