Thursday, July 11, 2024

Big Oil, Big Government

Vincent J. Curtis

10 July 24

RE: Climate Change aids record heat waves. CP story by Jordan Omstead. The Hamilton Spectator 10 July 24.

It is commonplace to dismiss climate skeptics as being in the pay of Big Oil. But what if one’s career, and even employment, depended upon the whimsy of a climate-nutter like Minister of Climate Change Steven Guilbeault?  Do you think the scientist who said that the attribution of particular weather events to anthropogenic climate change needed to be weighed carefully, or that the available evidence did not support such a conclusion, would find continued employment under this Minister? You’d be a fool to believe so, and Guilbeault’s employees aren’t so foolish as to cross the boss on his favor prejudice.  That prejudice being that carbon dioxide causes bad weather.

Hence, it comes as no surprise that Climate Change Canada issues a “first-of-its-kind” analysis which concludes (surprise!) that the recent Eastern heat wave was made more intense by human induced climate change. Now, the west of North America was far cooler than average, and in the overall, North America was actually 0.5ÂșC cooler than average, but you don’t hear that inconvenient fact reported.  Students of Aristotle will observe that even if one can say that weather was caused by a new climate that the old one changed into, that the new climate is the product of human action is a separate problem altogether.

There’s no science in the conclusion that Canadians are probably to blame for the recent heat wave in Eastern Canada, but that’s what Minister Guilbeault wants put out as the message.



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