Sunday, June 9, 2024

Learning tactics

Vincent J. Curtis

9 June 24

RE: Muslims shouldn’t have to fear cars. Op-ed by Steven Zhou. The Hamilton Spectator 8 June 24

It is both appalling and insulting that the Spectator should run an op-ed by an Islamic apologist complaining about how Muslims in Canada shouldn’t have to fear being run over by a car.  From whom do you think this tactic was learned?

The tactic of Islamic extremists running down and killing people in Western countries was practiced particularly in the period from 2016 to 2019, and led to the bollardization of many major Western cities. A quick trip down memory lane discovered the following, in no particular order:

New Yor City, Oct 31, 2017: 8 people killed and 11 injured after an Islamic extremist ran them down in a rented truck.

Nice, Italy, Jan 5, 2016: Islamic State claims responsibility for truck attack

Barcelona, Spain, Aug 17, 2017:13 killed as van rams crowds in Las Rambles

London: March 2017: 4 killed on Westminster Bridge after Islamic extremist runs them down, then jumps out and kills police officer with a knife.

The tactic of killing with a vehicle became a standard method of expressing one’s extremist views, thanks to the Islamic State.  For that reason, it ill behooves a Muslim apologist to complain in such a self-pitying way of the tactic being used against Muslims and their sympathizers.

The insulting aspect to the op-ed is the assumption that no one would remember how this all started.  What goes around, comes around.


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