Friday, June 28, 2024

Don’t worry: be happy!

Vincent J. Curtis

28 June 24

RE: Canada’s wildfires caused four times more emissions than planes in 2023. AP story. The Hamilton Spectator 28 June 24.

At 2,980 MT of CO2 emitted by Canada’s burning forests in 2023, a more relevant comparison is that this is four times Canada’s annual emission of CO2 from all sources.  Despite Canada’s best efforts at reducing the country’s CO2 footprint, our forests betrayed us!

Luckily, none of this matters. While CO2 is, indeed, a “heat-trapping” gas, its effectiveness in trapping heat is exhausted by about 100 ppm concentration. Those familiar with the Beer-Lambert law will understand the logarithmic rise in absorption with linear rise in concentration. Above 100 ppm, the surplus CO2 is essentially serving as nothing but plant food.  A doubling of CO2 from 400 to 800 ppm will result in a 0.72ºC in global temperature, which presently averages about 14.5ºC.

What isn’t in the news are fires in Western Canada.  That’s because, unlike last year, this year has been cool, and rain has been plentiful. Those cries last year of “climate change” proved to be nothing but exercises in the fallacy of affirming the consequent. The climate must have changed back, which vitiates the fear-mongering of climate change.

Despite all the fear-mongering, the planet is not headed for a “tipping-point,” and all these efforts by Canada to reduce the country’s carbon footprint are wastes of time and of limited financial resources.


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