Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Reviving disheartened souls

Vincent J. Curtis

27 Sept 23

RE: Reports says there’s still hope to reach climate goals. AP story. The Hamilton Spectator 27 Sept 23.

The leaders of the climate change movement realize that their radical fringe has gone too far.  They have people believing that the climate movement maintains that Armageddon will occur by 2030 without a radical, unaffordable, destructive, and unattainable set of goals being met.  To some, such radicalism discredits the movement, and it is discouraging to many who find it impossible to keep up.

The leaders have to rein in their Jacobites without being eaten by them; hence, hints are dropped to the effect that it’s not quite as bad as it seems.  Maybe the world isn’t really boiling; it just seems that way.  This unnamed report, which may have originated from the Paris-based International Energy Agency, is a toss of sand into the radical’s gears.

The report says that there’s still hope for 2030; all is not lost; some progress is being made; continued heavy lifting can still save the planet.  The report claims to know things it can’t possibly know: of a sufficiently “huge” growth in solar energy and EVs “worldwide.” They can’t know the numbers, let alone that they indicate sufficiency.

Nevertheless, renewable power needs to triple by 2030, and EV sales need to rise even more sharply, to a ridiculous 70 percent from 13 percent of sales; methane emissions need to fall by 75 percent, even as global LNG sales rise. Annual investments have to rise from a third of the US federal budget to its current entirety by 2030. Etc. No mention of China, India, or Russia. It’s still all on the West.

It’s all hogwash: there’s no greenhouse effect, and no anthropogenic global warming. There’s no greenhouse effect because infra-red radiation isn’t trapped in the lower atmosphere; it’s all thermalized within ten meters of the surface.  All thermal transport within the lower atmosphere is by convention and conduction; it is only in the upper most atmosphere, where pressures are of the order of 1/100 torr that radiation becomes the predominant mechanism of heat transport, and that’s how and where the earth radiates heat into outer space.

Anthropogenic global warming has yet to be proved, and the mechanism cannot be by rise in CO2 in the atmosphere.  In the first place, the globe hasn’t warmed since 1999 despite rising CO2, and as we have claimed here, there is no greenhouse effect, which is the mechanism by which CO2 is said to cause global warming.

If there is global warming, it has to be due to a reduction in the earth’s albedo.  I will explain and demonstrate this soon.


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